Captive (Daisy x reader)

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Request: Could you do a shield imagine where the reader and a combat team are caught behind enemy lines and are forced to make a last stand. After a week of silence they are presumed dead and Daisy the readers partner is heart broken. But a mounts later the reader and 1/3rd of the team make it back beaten & bruised but alive and Daisy is reunited with her love.

This mission was dangerous, all of your missions were dangerous really, but this time you were heading straight into the belly of the beast. 

You and your combat team were supposed to infiltrate the Watchdogs headquarters and take down the ring leader.

You called Daisy right before the attack began.

"Daisy, whatever happens, just know I love you," you told her through your private com.

"Don't talk like that Y/N, you and your team are going to go in there and make it out just fine and tonight you and I are going to go to that expensive restaurant you're always talking about," she told you desperately.

"I really do love you Daisy Johnson," you laughed.

"I love you too Y/N."

Daisy heard a flash grenade go off and the line went dead.

She paced around the base for hours waiting for that confirmation she needed that the mission was a success.

Hours turned into days.

Everyone else assumed the worst but Daisy wouldn't hear any of it.

She kept calling your name through the coms waiting for a response, from anyone.

A week went by and Daisy could barely eat or sleep.

Coulson had to convince her to go get some rest, that he was calling off the search party, it was over.

For two months Daisy cried herself to sleep every night, holding onto anything of yours that she could.

Out of nowhere there was a signature on the shields radar that read as one of their own quinjets.

Agents lined up around the landing pad, ready to fire at whoever stepped off the presumed high-jacked quinjet.

Everyone's guns lowered when it was familiar faces they saw.

You and the few surviving members of your team was rushed to the infirmary.

Jemma called for someone to go get Daisy when she saw you amongst the battered and bruised group.

Daisy reluctantly came to the infirmary not quite understanding what was going on.

When Jemma stepped to the side after cleaning some of your old wounds, Daisy's heart nearly stopped beating.

"Y/N?" she said barely audible as tears filled her eyes.

"Daisy," you smiled at her.

She ran to you and hugged you tightly.

You didn't let her see you flinch in pain because neither of you wanted to let go.

"You're here, you're alive," she said grasping at the back of your neck

"The Watchdogs, they caught us. They killed most of my team, left a few of us alive just for fun. When they were through torturing us they decided to send us back, as a message to Shield and what they could really do," you told her.

"I don't care about the Watchdogs right now, we can deal with them later," she said letting go of you so she could cup your cheeks, "all I care about is you're here with me."

"You know, if I remember correctly you owe me a dinner," you joked.

"Why am I not surprised food is the first thing you think about after being held captive for two months," Daisy laughed wiping a tear from her eye.

"You were the only thing I could think about for those two months, you gave me the strength to hold on Daisy."

"I love you Y/N," Daisy smiled.

"I love you too," you said leaning in to kiss her.

A wave of relief hit you when you got to kiss Daisy and tell her you loved her one more time.

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