Suspicions (Daisy x reader)

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Request : Reader proposes to Daisy

Daisy had noticed you acting weird lately.

Her mind had gone to the worst possible scenarios; you wanted to break up with her, you cheated, maybe you were even leaving Shield.

The real cause was nothing of the sort.

You had spent weeks planning the perfect evening.

A romantic dinner at the most exclusive restaurant in town, a walk in the park and after you would ask her to marry you.

You and Daisy had been together for a few years now but the closer you got to the night you bad planned the more nervous you got, which resulted in you unintentionally avoiding her.

Daisy had enough of the behavior and stormed into your shared room.

"What the hell is going on Y/N," she asked crossing her arms over her chest.

You were standing in front of your dresser in the middle of getting ready for the evening and turned around to look at her, "well we have dinner reservations at 7," you told her casually.

"No I mean you've been acting weird for weeks, you avoid me, you barely talk to me anymore. Is there someone else?-"

You cut her off when you realized where this was going, "no of course not Daisy, please just trust me. I'll explain everything tonight after dinner."

You walked towards her reaching out to grab her hand.

She pulled away, "Y/N I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on."

You knew she was serious so the only thing you could do was tell her the truth.

"Daisy, ever since I met you I knew we had something special," you started before going back to your dresser to grab the ring, "I don't know what I would do without you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

You went down on one knee, "Daisy Johnson, will you marry me?"

She was speechless, this was not what she was expecting in the least.

When she finally caught up to what was happening she smiled, "yes, yes I will marry you Y/N."

You got up off the ground and kissed her.

She pulled you in for a hug with tears in her eyes, "I'm sorry for being so suspicious."

You pulled away to look at her and wipe away a tear that had run down her cheek, "no I'm sorry for acting so weird, I've just been so nervous and I wanted tonight to be perfect."

"If we leave now we can still make those reservations you made."

"Let's go," You said before kissing her one more time, "I love you Daisy."

"I love you too."

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