SAS part 5: The recruitment (team x reader)

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You immediately recognized the man standing before you.

He was none other then Lance Hunter. An ex-lieutenant of the SAS that you had heard so much about.

From the stories you heard you could only hope to be as good of a lieutenant as him one day.

"You're- you're Lance Hunter," you stated still trying to catch your breath.

He raised his gun to you, "and you're a witness that supposed to be in interrogation right now."

"No wait, you don't understand. I'm with SAS." you pleaded to him.

The confession took him by surprise, "SAS?" he questioned you.

"Yes, my name Y/N Y/L/N, 22 Special Air Service regiment, special operations and counter-terrorism unit."

At this point the group of agents who had been after you stormed inside the room.

"Wait, wait a second," Hunter yelled to them, "I think there's been a misunderstanding here. Go get Coulson."

Shortly after Phil Coulson was standing in front of you again.

"What's going on here Hunter," he asked.

"Sir, this is Y/L/N. They are with SAS, they aren't a threat to us. We're on the same side."

"Why didn't you tell me this before," he turned to you.

"Resistance to interrogation. It's in my training. What exactly is this place."

"I'm sorry I can't tell you that."

Hunter stepped in, "sir can I talk to you for a second."

"Alright, you stay here," he told you before leaving the room with Hunter.

Once outside you could faintly hear them talking.

"Coulson, I think they could be a real asset to our team."

"Hunter, we don't know them, just because they are with your old regiment doesn't mean anything."

"You said that kid put up a good fight against May, they held up in an interrogation and they escaped on their own and managed to get away from dozens of agents. If anyone can help us against Hive it's them.

After that it was silent.

Coulson and Hunter walked back into the room.

"Well Y/N, we have an offer to make you. How you would like to come work for us at Shield," Coulson asked you.

"I can't just leave SAS, I've worked my entire life to get here."

Hunter turned to you, "I've been where you are, I left the regiment and look at me now. You could do a lot of good here."

You didn't know what to do, you had the opportunity to work under a legacy of the SAS but it meant throwing away everything you worked so hard for.

"How about this," Coulson started, "I have a chat with your superior officer and you work with us on a current mission we have. When it's over you can either join us or go back to the SAS. Your choice."

"Alright, deal," you agreed shaking his hand.

You weren't sure what you were getting yourself into but you were always up for a challenge.

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