Framework (Jemma x reader)

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Request summary: Jemma tries to save the reader from the framework and the reader is hydra, maybe the reader could be second in command or third in command at hydra?

Something about your life had always seemed off, you just couldn't tell what it was.

You were loyal to Hydra, working alongside the Doctor, Leopold Fitz, carrying out Hydra's ideologies.

Your biggest job was making sure the resistance stayed out of the limelight.

It had been pretty easy until Jemma Simmons came into the picture.

Madame Hydra was trying to keep your attention off of her but for some reason she seemed so familiar and you were captivated.

Fitz had taken you along with him when he brought Radcliffe to find Jemma after she killed his father.

You ran into her at the warehouse Radcliffe led you to where she and the other members of the resistance had gone looking for this door to the other world Madame Hydra had told you so much about.

"Y/N!," she yelled to you.

"Stop, just make this easy for yourself and surrender," You told her pointing your gun at her.

"Y/N you have to believe me, none of this is real. Madame Hydra has manipulated you and Fitz into thinking this is your life but it's not."

"You're wrong, Madame Hydra wouldn't lie to me, especially not to Fitz," You told her.

She started inching her way towards you. You had a gun pointed to her, why was she not afraid.

What was stopping you from pulling the trigger.

"Listen to me, I know she has made you believe that the other world is bad but I swear, this is all a computer simulation. In the real world she has you, Fitz and many others hooked up to a machine that put you in this world. We work for Shield together, we do good, we've saved the world many times thanks to you."

You were confused, your entire life couldn't be a lie but something inside of you wanted to believe her.

She reached out and grabbed your hand guiding your gun down.

Something clicked, faint memories of you and her reappeared in your mind.

"Jemma?" you breathed out.

"Yes Y/N, it's me."

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