Give her a chance (Aida x reader)

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Request summary: Could you please do a something where the reader sides with Aida because they love her? (almost a sequel to the other Aida thing you did, I need more Aida imagines)

a/n: I made this an au where she is still trying to build the machine to give her a human body but she didn't get corrupted by the book and turn evil

When you and Aida first met you were instantly attracted to her.

When you found out she was an android you were devastated because somewhere along the way you fell in love with her.

Aida knew how you felt about her and she had gained some feelings for you too.

One day she told you about a machine she had been developing that could give her a human body so she could be with you.

You didn't know what to do with this information so you confided in Fitz about it.

Fitz then told Radcliffe who was ecstatic about the idea and went to Coulson and Mace because he would need some funding to help Aida actually build it.

Unlike Radcliffe, they were was less then thrilled.

Coulson immediately shut down the idea and told you and Radcliffe to get rid of the machine.

"But Phil, imagine what we could with this kind of technology," Radcliffe pleaded.

"No way, this is too reckless. What if this machine got into the wrong hands, it could be a catastrophe," Coulson said standing his ground.

"Well... what if we just gave Aida a human body first and then destroyed the machine," you suggested.

"Y/N, you can't be serious. This machine is not happening and that's final."

"Coulson is right, this idea is way too unpredictable, Radcliffe shouldn't have even made Aida in the first place," Mace added.

"Okay yes he should have talked to someone about it first but what's done is done. Aida is an useful part of Shield now, why not give her the chance to be like us, human," you told them.

"We don't have time for this. Radcliffe, get rid of that machine and Y/N, I don't want to hear anything else about this from you," Coulson said before he and Mace walked out.

The room was filled with silence before you turned to Radcliffe, "I'm going to help you build that machine, what do you need me to do."

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