A clingy/cuddly Daisy would include

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• Daisy is clingy because she's already lost so many people she cares about

• And she knows any moment with you could be the last

• So she chooses to savor every second she can with you

• She likes having her arm around your waist

• She will hold your hand any chance she gets

• Daisy will just stare at you admiringly while your working

• She thinks about how lucky she is to have you

• She sleeps the best when you're there next to her

• Preferably when she gets to use your chest as a pillow

• She always hugs you and kisses you before a mission

• Even if you are going on the mission together

• On the zephyr after a long mission she will sleep sitting up against you resting her head on your shoulder

• On rare days off sometimes you guys just lay in bed cuddling and watching tv, enjoying each others company

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