Monkey business (Fitz x reader)

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Summary: More Fitz was requested so here's Leo finally getting his monkey, also I don't know much about monkeys this is just based on what I could find.  

For years all Fitz wanted was a monkey assistant.

He tried to subtly bring it up to Coulson but was always turned down.

But you had spent weeks convincing Coulson to let you surprise Fitz with a monkey for his birthday.

Coulson eventually gave in just to get you to stop nagging him.

You put in your fair share of researching what the best small breed of monkey was and how to properly take care of them.

You settled on a capuchin monkey who were best known for their intelligence.

You got in touch with a professional breeder who was able to help you through the proper licensing and vaccination process.

The morning of Fitz birthday you snuck the monkey into his lab office and waited patiently for him to come in to work.

 When he finally arrived he walked into the office and noticed the monkey sitting on his desk.

"Well hello little guy, what are you doing here?" he said with some excitement in his voice.

"Surprise," you calmly told him walking into the office to not startle the monkey.

"What's going on?" Fitz asked.

"He's yours," you told him smiling.

"No way," he said trying to contain his excitement.

"Yep, I convinced Coulson, well more annoyed Coulson into letting me get him for you. Happy Birthday Leo."

He pulled you into a hug, "oh my gosh Y/N this is the best birthday present ever."

"I'm glad you like him," you laughed.

He walked up to the monkey and put him on his shoulder, "so what do we name him?"

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