Daisy having to watch you be held captive by Hydra would include

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• Hydra set up a live video feed and sent it to Shield as a taunt

• Daisy lost it

• She couldn't think straight so it took her longer to decode where the feed was coming from

• Coulson told her to stay behind because this was too personal for her and she would be reckless

• She didn't want to listen to him

• Jemma convinced her to stay

• Jemma had to comfort her as they continued to watch the feed giving the team updates as they flew to the location

• She couldn't keep the tears in any longer when they started torturing you

• When the team finally arrived she couldn't watch as they fought all of the Hydra agents in the room

• When they brought you back she didn't leave your side for days

• She swore next time she dealt with Hydra they would pay for hurting you

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