Old friends in new times (Daisy x reader)

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Request: Could you do a fic where Reader is an Inhuman and knows Daisy from the orphanage but Daisy doesn't remember her? Please and thank you

After gaining strange powers like the people the news stations were calling 'inhumans' you were brought into Shield. 

You had no intentions of doing harm with your powers so you were deemed fit for a program allowing you to train and harness your new abilities.

A man named Coulson had been explaining to you about said program when a girl with a familiar face walked by. 

"Skye?" you said happily when it clicked.

"Excuse me?" she said turning to you quite confused.

"Skye, it's me, Y/N, we lived in Ms. Spencer's orphanage together when we were kids," you told her thinking it would jog her memory.

"I actually go by Daisy now but I'm sorry, I just don't remember you," she apologized.

"Oh," you said disheartened, in that moment you had gotten your hopes up that maybe you would actually know someone here making it easier to adjust.

"You should go meet Fitz and Simmons, they run the lab, you'll be doing a lot of testing with them," Coulson said changing the subject and pointing you in the direction of the lab.

As the weeks went on you quickly learned how to control your powers.

You spent a lot of time in the lab with Fitz and Simmons, training with Elena and even some time with Daisy.

You and Daisy had been in the sparring room training when it finally came back to her.

"Wait, you're the girl who punched that jerk Kyle for always stealing other kids toys," Daisy muttered out.

"Yeah that was me," you laughed, "I can't believe you remember that."

"I thought you were such a badass," Daisy chuckled. 

"Well you are definitely the badass now Daisy, working for Shield and all."

"It sure is the most chaotic job I've ever had... I'm sorry it took me so long to remember you Y/N," she told you.

"It's alright, I mean it's been what? Fifteen years?"

"Well I'm glad we got to meet again," she smiled.  

"Me too," you smiled back. 

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