Take a chance part 2 (Bobbi x reader)

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Request: Oh man I liked the Bobbi imagine is it possible to ask for a sequel where reader gets hurt while on a mission with Bobbi and Daisy finds out?

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Request: Oh man I liked the Bobbi imagine is it possible to ask for a sequel where reader gets hurt while on a mission with Bobbi and Daisy finds out?

You and Bobbi had been dating for a few months now and Daisy couldn't be happier for you.

Bobbi had come to be just as protective over you as your sister and Daisy appreciated that, but it didn't stop her from worrying about you when you went on missions without her.

Today Coulson had assigned you and Bobbi to go check out a building that could possibly be housing Hydra agents.

Daisy was busy with a mission of her own but you assured her you would be just fine.

She only believed you because Bobbi would be there with you.

But the mission didn't go quite as planned and Bobbi ended up having to help you hobble into the base as you had broken your leg.

Daisy hurried back to the base when she found out and stormed into the infirmary where Bobbi was currently finishing up putting your leg into a cast.

"What the hell happened," Daisy questioned.

"Don't worry Daisy, it's just a broken leg," you told her.

"Just a broken leg?" Daisy scoffed, "you were supposed to be watching her," she said to Bobbi.

"tt's not her fault, I accidently set off an alarm and Hydra spotted us. I tripped while they were shooting at us, no big deal," you explained trying to calm your sister down.

"Right, no big deal and what if it was worse then a broken leg? What if you had gotten yourself killed?"

"Daisy I'm not a child that you have reprimand. I'm a grown adult who can take care of myself," you yelled.

This seemed to snap Daisy out of her rage and she instantly softened.

"Y/N... I'm sorry," she said sitting next to you, "you're the most important person to me and I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

"It's okay to be scared, I'm just as scared of something happening to you but you have to understand that I don't need either you or Bobbi always watching over my shoulder."

"You're right, you're right. I'm sorry about getting mad at you Bobbi," Daisy apologized.

"It's alright," Bobbi nodded, "you know I'd do whatever it takes to keep her safe Daisy but she's right, she's tough and I think we can both take a step back, let her handle her own."

"I can do that," Daisy smiled.

"Thank you, both of you," you smiled back and threw your arms into the air, "come on, this deserves a hug."

Both Daisy and Bobbi laughed and went in to hug you.

As long as you had the two of them on your side you were invincible.

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