I thought you were dead (Daisy x reader)

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Request summary: Daisy Johnson gets misinformation and thinks you died on a mission but then the reader comes back from the mission with minor injuries. Just ending with lots a fluff

The Watchdogs knew how to put up a fight.

They didn't care about whatever causalities came with their mission to take out every inhuman they could find.

You had gotten separated from the rest of your team and forced into a warehouse stuck in the middle of a shootout protecting Max, a teleporting inhuman who, unfortunately for you could not yet control his powers.

You hear someone from outside yell, "everyone get out, we'll just blow the place up," as the gun fire slows down and the Watchdog members retreat.

Suddenly there was an explosion and everything went black.


"Daisy!" Jemma yelled from the control center.

"What is it?" Daisy says as she runs in.

"It's Y/N... the building they were in just exploded... from the video feed of some nearby security cameras show all the Watchdogs getting out just before it happened but no one has come out of there since. The warehouse is in ruins and no one from the quinjet is responding... I'm so sorry Daisy"

Daisy was in shock over what she was hearing, "We have to go get them, what if Y/N and Max are still alive. We have to go-"

Coulson cut Daisy off as she was getting frantic, "Daisy it's not safe, even if they are still alive there's Watchdogs everywhere. We'd never get to them in time. I won't let anyone else get hurt on this mission"

"So you're just gonna give up?"

"There's nothing we can do Daisy. I'm sorry."


It had been a hard few hours for Daisy, she didn't want to believe you were gone.

Then she heard the rooftop of the landing area opening up where she expected to see only the pilot of the quinjet and your other team members returning.

You and the inhuman were the last to step off board.

You had some cuts and bruises but you had regained most of your energy during the ride back to the base.

When Daisy saw you she instantly ran up to you and pulled you in for a hug.

"Y/N! But the explosion, I thought you were dead."

You pulled back from her embrace, "I thought I was too, but Max teleported us out of there right on time. It must have happened as a survival instinct. Some of the Watchdogs vandalized the quinjet, we tried calling you guys over the coms but they must have broken the interface system."

"It doesn't matter, as long you guys are alright," she said before kissing you and then hugging you again.

"Alright, it's been a long day, I think everyone should get some rest," you heard Coulson say from behind you.

"I agree, let's go get you cleaned up Y/N," she said taking your hand leading you back to your room.

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