Sacrifices (Coulson x reader)

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Request reader has a father/child relationship with Coulson and reader almost dies in a mission protecting Coulson.

Phil Coulson was not just the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. to you. Over the years he had become like the father you never had. Through the good and the bad times he always saw the potential in you and trained you to be the agent you are today.

One thing he taught you was that sometimes good agents have to make sacrifices.

The mission was nothing new, to get to an inhuman before Hydra did. Everything was going fine until you and Coulson were separated from the team and were facing a room full of Hydra agents alone.

Bullets were coming at you and your entire body felt bruised and bloodied from all the fighting you had done thus far but now you were trapped.

"What's the plan Coulson?" You yelled out from your hiding spot behind a stack of crates.

"Shoot some bad guys and don't get shot yourself sounds good to me," he yelled back from behind the crates across from yours.

You couldn't help but laugh. Even in times like this he knew how to make jokes.

You both stood up for a split second and fired off a few rounds. It sounded like you were able to knock a guy or two out but it wasn't enough.

"Coulson i'm almost out of ammo. What are we gonna do."

You look over at him and see blood coming from his shoulder.

"You've been shot."

"I'm alright Y/N, it's just a flesh wound," he says holding his shoulder

"That doesn't look like just a flesh wound to me. We have to get you out of here."

"Don't do anything stupid-"

Before he could finish his statement there was a small explosion and the room was covered in smoke.

"Coulson? Coulson you okay?" You yelled out.

"Y/N, look like we found our ticket out of here."

As you ran out the of the room passing at least a dozen fallen hydra agents you found Mack on the other side.

"Thought you guys could you a little help. We've got the inhuman in the containment unit and we're ready to leave."

You had almost made it out of the building when you hear more gunfire. You turned around to see the Coulson on the ground with another bullet wound to the leg.

"Mack keep going, i've got him," You told Mack as you ran back towards Coulson.

You got him back on his feet when you were the one who were shot this time.

"Y/N, you okay"

"I'm alright, it's just a flesh wound right?"

This time it was Coulsons turn to laugh.

You were so close. The door was right there. But another Hydra guy came out of nowhere and in the split second you had to think you put yourself in front of Coulson.

And everything went black.


You woke up in the lab and in so much pain. Simmons, Fitz, Mack and Coulson were standing around you.

"What the hell happened," you managed to get out.

"Well you were shot numerous times and its quite a miracle that you are even alive," Simmons started to explain.

Then Fitz chimed in, "one of the bullets just barely grazed your spine. It's going to take a lot of physical therapy but you should be able to make a full recovery."

"But how did we get out of there?" You muttered trying to take everything in.

"Once again Mack showed up right on time. Shot the Hydra agent from behind and knocked him out. Mack carried you out of there," Coulson told you.

"Thanks Mack," you said barely being able to turn your head to him.

"Anytime Y/N. I'm glad you're alright."

"Can I have a moment alone with Y/N?" Coulson asked the team.

"Of course," Simmons said as the three of them walked out of the room.

"That was really dangerous of you to do you know," Coulson told you.

"I was doing my job and protecting the director. What would Shield do without you," you said trying to defend yourself.

"You should have also asked yourself what would Shield do without you Y/N."

After a moment of silence you finally found the guts to say, "I guess i just couldn't stand the idea of anything happening to you. The whole reason i've made it this far in Shield is because of you Coulson. You've always looked after me, it was my turn to look after you."

He stood up and smiled at you, "we can talk about this later when you are better, right now you need your rest."

When he reached the door he turned around, "oh and Y/N, if ever do something like that again... you're grounded."

"Grounded? I'm not a teenager Coulson," you laughed.

"Don't be as reckless as a teenager then," he said laughing as he left the room.

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