Lab date (Jemma x reader)

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Summary: Jemma misses date night because she lost track of time in the lab

You had been lying on your bed for hours waiting for Jemma. Your schedules had been hectic the last few weeks and didn't get much to see each other so you had a planned a nice date on your night off.

You had bought Jemma flowers and made reservations at the nicest restaurant in town. She told you she would be done in the lab by six but it was currently almost 9 and she still hadn't shown.

You knew what she was working on was important so you didn't want to rush her but after being three hours late and the reservation long gone you decided to go check on her.

When you walked into the lab, flowers in hand, you saw her sitting at one of the counters looking into a microscope.

"Hey Jem" you said to let her know you were there, "what happened to you'd be done by 6?" you joked.

She looked up at the clock on the wall and realized what time it was, "oh my gosh Y/N, I'm so sorry I was so distracted by this I lost track of time."

"It's okay Jemma, really, we can go out another night."

"I was really looking forward to going out with you tonight, this new specimen is just so much more complex than what my initial research had led me to believe."

She noticed the flowers in your hand.

"Are those for me?"

"Oh yeah," you said handing them to her, "I was gonna give them to you before we left but now's good too."

"They're beautiful Y/N. I'm sorry I messed up your plans."

You pulled up a chair next to her and took a seat after kissing her on the cheek, "sometimes plans change, we'll just have a lab date instead. Now about this complex specimen you've got here, is there anything I can do to help?"

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