I did this for you (Mack x reader)

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Request summary: How would Mack react if you used trickery and lies to get Hope a real human body like Aida?

In the framework you were a high ranking engineer for Hydra.

Something about your life always felt off so when Daisy had found you and told you this was all a simulation you didn't need much convincing.

You met Mack, supposedly for the first time, but you also met Hope. You saw how much Mack loved her and how good of a dad he was.

Some memories from the real world were coming back to you but none of them containing Hope.

When you guys had made your way to the back door it was only you, Mack and Daisy left.

"What about Hope. If this really is just a simulation how is Hope in the other world," Mack questioned Daisy.

She just stared at him, "Mack..."

You caught on to what she couldn't say.

"She's alive and safe in the real world Mack," you lied to him.

"Is she really," he turned to Daisy.

She was still speechless.

"Mack you have to trust me, we have to get out of here now," you told him.

He was hesitant but he made his decision and went through the portal.

"You just lied to him Y/N. I don't know what happened to Hope but she's not with him in the real world," Daisy frantically said to you.

"Don't worry Daisy. I know the machine Madame Hydra made in the real world. I helped build it. I have a way to bring Hope back with us," you said before walking off the platform into the portal before she could say anything else.


When you woke up Coulson was comforting Fitz and Mack was just staring at you.

"You lied to me."

"I know Mack but-" you were cut of as Aida walked into the room and before you knew it, her and Fitz were gone.

Mack, Coulson and May were looking for a way out when Ivanov appeared.

Knowing the three of them could take him down you took this as your opportunity to sneak away and go through with your plan.

You found the machine Aida used to create a human body and reconfigured it to make one for Hope.

You heard fighting going on nearby while the machine was working.

A few minutes later a real life Hope stepped out of the machine as you heard Coulson yelling your name.

You found her some clothes and took her to the rest of the team.


Mack heard Hope's voice and turned around in shock of what he was seeing.

"Y/N what did you do," he questioned you.

"I did this for you. She has all of her memories from the framework, we have to adjust her to the real world but she's here's Mack. You can have Hope again."

Mack didn't know what to feel.

He knew this was wrong but he couldn't help but feel a little bit happy to see Hope in the real world again.

Coulson was the first to speak up, "we really don't have for this, we need to find a way out of here."

"What's going on dad? Where are we?" Hope asked Mack.

"Don't worry Hope, We're gonna get you home okay."

Coulson and May led the way.

Mack turned to you, "we have a lot to discuss later."

You thought you were helping but maybe you had made a mistake.

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