Aida having romantic feelings for you would include

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• Aida wasn't programmed to feel human attraction

• But the more time she spent with Fitz the more she adapted to human emotions

• She copied what he felt for Simmons and gained romantic feelings for you

• She gets Radcliffe to let her spend more time with you

• She always does nice things for you

• Helping you with your work

• Finding out your favorite food and learning how to cook

• Some of the other agents find it weird

• But you find it a little sweet that she wants to be more human-like

• Until you find out that she got a little too obsessed and took over the framework in order to make a real body for herself to be with you

• In the framework she makes you her second in command at Hydra

• She had you so convinced that her feelings for you were real that neither Daisy nor Jemma could convince you it was a simulation

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