Are you flirting with me? (Daisy x reader)

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Summary: Set in season one, you're Skye's S/O and she uses training sessions to flirt with you.

When Skye officially joined SHIELD you had been assigned to be her S/O, which included training her.

Your sessions the last few weeks hadn't been very successful. She always seemed distracted and you always ended up doing most of the work.

"I think I need to see that move again," Skye requested after nearly an hour of her half-assed attempts on the punching bag.

"You know if you want to go into the field you're gonna actually have to learn to fight right?" you joked.

"Maybe I just like watching you do this instead," she grinned.

Considering how hectic your life was with SHIELD it had been a while since someone had really flirted with you which left you oblivious to Skye's come ons.

"Fine, I'll show you one more time but you really do need to start putting in some effort if you want to prove to Coulson you're mission ready."

"Alright Alright captain killjoy I'll try this time," she said blatantly checking you out as you worked the bag.

Another hour of training passed and Skye was relieved when you told her to hang up the gloves.

"Well Finally, Y/N, what do you say to an after training drink? I know where Coulson keeps the good stuff."

"Why am I not surprised, but sure."

You had enjoyed some of Coulson's not-so-secret anymore stash while talking to Daisy about how you got involved with SHIELD, what some of your more intense cases were and so on.

You had been telling her about one of your first missions where you had to retrieve some alien technology from the middle of no where up north.

"I bet you looked good though, you know, being a badass and all," she told you.

"Skye, are you flirting with me?" you asked her.

She poured herself another drink, "have been since I got here."

"Wait really?" you responded taken aback.

"Why do you think I've been drawing out our training sessions? I know how to hold my own, I just liked spending time with you."

You couldn't believe you hadn't picked up on it before.

"Well how about next time we land we go out somewhere that's not the bus... like a date," you asked nervously.

"I'd like that," she smiled.

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