Don't test me (Daisy x reader)

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Summary: You're a journalist and Daisy knows you have information about where to find the Ghost Rider

When members of LA's own Fifth Street Locos were simultaneously showing up dead, your boss assigned you to look into it.

You had spent months trying to track down the infamous 'Ghost Rider' the city deemed to be behind the killings.

He was good at leaving nothing behind. The only thing you could consider to be a lead was noticing a car with a similar make and model hanging around a run down junkyard.

With another long day at the office done and you got into your car to head home.

As you were going to start the ignition, your passenger side door opened and a mysterious woman got inside your car.

"Who the hell are you, get out before I call the cops," you told her trying to sound threatening.

"Don't worry I'm not here to hurt you, I just want what you know about this Ghost Rider." she responded calmly.

When you got a more clear view of her face you instantly recognized her, "wait, you're that Quake girl aren't you. You've got to do a story for me-"

"I'm not here to get my name in the paper, all I want is some information and I'm gone," she said cutting you off.

"I don't know anything about the Ghost." you told her unconvincingly. You may be a journalist but you were still a terrible liar.

Suddenly she raised her hand in the air and shattered your back window.

"Don't test me. I know you've got to have something on him."

"Okay, okay," you said giving in before she totaled your car, "Some guy at this auto junkyard downtown drives a '69 Charger that looks just like the one the Ghost Rider drives but that's all I know I swear. I haven't gotten a chance to look into who owns it yet."

"See that wasn't so hard now was it? Thanks for the intel. Have a nice night," she said with a fake smile as she got out your car.

You couldn't tell whether to be amazed that you had met the vigilante Quake or upset that she just broke your car window.

Either way, you were more determined then ever to find this Ghost Rider.

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