The morning after with Daisy would include

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• When you wake up Daisy is curled up against you with her head resting on your chest and her arm around your waist

• You just lay there savoring the moment

• Until she wakes up

• She wishes you a good morning and starts kissing you

• After a while you tell her you guys should probably get ready for work soon

• She protests saying you can be late for once

• You give in when she climbs on top of you and starts kissing her way down your neck to your chest

• When you do actually start to get ready she joins you in the shower

• She says it's to 'conserve water'

• But it turns into a pretty long shower

• When you finally show up at work everyone knows

• Fitz asks if you're alright when he see's all the marks on your neck

• Jemma tries to subtly tell him they're hickies and you both get embarrassed

• Meanwhile Daisy is in the background trying her best not to start laughing

• Even May finds it a little funny

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