Stuck (Daisy x fem reader)

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Request: You and Daisy are sisters and you two get separated in the frame work and she thinks you've died because you're the last one to wake up

Daisy hated the idea of you purposely going into the framework with her and Jemma but you all convinced her that you had a better chance of getting everyone out alive if you went with them.

When you had gotten the team to the back door it was just the two of you and Mack left.

"I'll see you on the other side," you told your sister before jumping in.

Instead of waking up in the real world everything went black.


"Daisy!" Jemma yelled to her friend when she woke up.

She looked over to your body expecting to see you awake but you were still attached to the machine.

"Why isn't Y/N awake already, she went through the back door before me," she told Jemma franticly.

"I-I don't know," Jemma said running to the computer tracking your vitals, "maybe there was something wrong in her coding."

"What does that mean, we have to get her out of there," Daisy said getting upset.

"We will get her out but you need to calm down," Yo-yo added.

For hours Jemma worked on getting you out while Yo-yo and the rest of the team tried getting the Zephyr down the ground safely.

Daisy paced around the jet regretting her choice to let you go with them.

Suddenly she heard a gasp of air come from your direction.

She turned to see you weakly opening your eyes.

"Y/N!" she exclaimed rushing to your side.

"Daisy? What happened?" you were barely able to mutter.

"I don't know, something went wrong in the back door-" Daisy started but was cut of by Jemma.

"You were stuck in between the framework and the real world, it took some time but I found a way to bring you back."

"Thanks for that," you smiled trying to sit up.

Daisy pulled you in for the tightest hug, "God Y/N I thought I lost you. Don't ever do that to me again."

"I'll try not to but Daisy.... you're crushing me," you laughed leaning back out of your sister's embrace.

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