So is that a yes? (Jemma x reader)

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Request summary: Inspired by your last proposal imagine. Could you do one with reader and Jemma going to the South Pole to see penguins and the reader romantically proposes?!?!

a/n: This may not be totally geographically correct, just stuff that I researched for the fic

Your three year anniversary with Jemma was coming up and you wanted to do something special.

Your life with Shield was pretty adventurous on a daily basis but something Jemma had always talked about wanting to do is visit the South Pole and see the penguins.

So that was exactly what you were going to do for her.

You convinced Coulson into letting you and Jemma have two weeks off for the trip and when you had everything planned out you surprised her by telling her all about it.

The only thing you left out was the fact that you were planning on proposing to her in the middle of the trip.

While there, Jemma finally got to see the penguins as well as some of Antarctica's other wild life.

You visited numerous glaciers and saw the beautiful snow covered mountains.

You took her to the Port Lockroy museum which features some of the research from the first historical Antarctic scientific expeditions

One night the two of you were standing outside your rental cabin looking at the Aurora Borealis.

You had gotten so lost in the moment you almost forgot the whole reason you had brought Jemma here.

"Jemma," you said facing her.

"Yes? What is it Y/N," she responded.

"The last few years with you have been the best years of my life."

"I feel the same way," she agreed.

"You make me the happiest I've ever been and I don't know what I'd do without you in my life," you pulled the box holding the ring out from your pocket and got on one knee, "Jemma, will you marry me?"

She gasped and put her hands over her mouth. You could see her eye's starting to tear up.

"So is that a yes? The ground is a little cold" you said jokingly.

She pulled you back up to a standing position, "yes, of course it's a yes Y/N."

She smiled and pulled you in for a long kiss.

This was a night you would never forget.

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