The bar encounter (Daisy x reader)

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Summary: set in between seasons 3 and 4 when Daisy goes to LA looking for the ghost rider and you two meet at a bar.       

It was a quiet night at the run-down bar you always go to when you needed a drink after a long day.

You noticed a guy go up to the pretty girl you didn't recognize at the bar-stand and knew things were about to get interesting.

"Hey gorgeous, can I buy you a drink?" He said, clearly impressed with himself.

Without even looking at him she replied, "no thanks, i've already got one," before taking another drink of her beer.

"You sure? You look pretty lonely over here by yourself. I'm sure I can show you a good time tonight."

After a few more obnoxious pick-up lines, the girl was obviously starting to get annoyed and was about to say something in return when you decided to step in.

You walked up and asked the bartender for another drink when you turned to the guy and casually told him, "give it up man, she's clearly not interested."

"Maybe you should mind your own damn business."

"And maybe you should leave before you embarrass yourself even more than you already have."

At this the guy walked away, angry over the rejection but the girl turned to you and smiled.

"Thanks, I thought he'd never go away," she laughed and gestured for you to join her.

"No problem," you took a seat next to her, "I'm Y/N."


"I haven't seen you around here before, you new to LA?" You asked wanting to get to know this girl.

"What makes you say that."

"Well this isn't exactly a bar that tourists go to, mostly just locals looking for a drink somewhere thats not crowded and overpriced. I've seen that guy try, and fail, to pick up women more times then I can count," you laughed.

"I used to live around here but this time I'm just visiting." She responded.

The two of you ended up talking for a few hours until the news station on the tv in the background started covering a story about another gang related death by the infamous 'ghost rider'.

When Daisy noticed she stood up, "I'm sorry Y/N but i've gotta go. It was really nice meeting you."

"Wait," you said grabbing a napkin and a pen out of your bag, "this is my number, if you're gonna be in LA for a bit longer, call me. We can get dinner or something."

She smiled at you and put the napkin in her jacket pocket, "I'll keep that in mind."

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