How is this possible (Daisy x reader)

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Request summary: Instead of Tripp going in the tomb thing, it's the reader and after the whole terrigenesis thing, the team thinks you died but hydra took you but that fuels Daisy's anger more and has no mercy when rescuing the reader

Skye reached for your hand the best she could as she watched you turn to dust.

The entire team had taken your supposed death hard but Skye's pain made it even more difficult for her to concentrate on controlling her newly found powers.

It had been a month since the incident when Shield received an encrypted message from Hydra.

The team stood around Skye as she worked at decoding it.

When she did, a video started playing and the team couldn't believe what they were seeing.

It was you, tied to a chair covered in cuts and bruises from what appeared to be from them torturing you.

"How is this even possible," Daisy asked trying to look away from the video.

"I don't know, but we are getting Y/N back no matter what tricks Hydra has up their sleeve," Coulson said in return.

The video came to an end and a second message popped up with coordinates to wherever it was they had been keeping you.

Fitz put the coordinates into his tablet, "It's a warehouse in New York."

"Get the zephyr ready. We've got an agent to rescue," Coulson told the team.


The team arrived in New York and wasted no time in surrounding the warehouse.

They split up into groups to search different quadrants of the building and found nothing.

That was until Daisy and May stumbled upon a group of Hydra operatives guarding a staircase that led to the basement of the warehouse.

There was gun fire and Hydra men falling to the ground. but it seemed like more and more agents just kept coming.

"We could really use backup over here," May yelled through her com while standing up from behind a stack of crates to take another round of shots.

Skye felt a wave of anger hit her as the ground started to shake. For the first time she felt like she was in control so she dropped her gun as she stood up pointing her hands forwards as a shockwave threw every Hydra agent in sight up against the wall knocking them out.

The rest of the team finally found their way to the fight and showed up right on time to see what Skye could really do.

"That's incredible, we have so many tests we are gonna have to run-" Jemma started to say astounded by what she just saw.

"Not now Simmons, we have to go find Y/N," Skye said cutting her off.

Making their way downstairs there were even more Hydra agents waiting for them.

While the rest of the team started shooting their guns, Skye was sending men flying left and right with her new harnessed control of her powers.

When every last Hydra agent was down for the count, the team noticed a single door on the other end of the room.

They opened it up to find you still tied up to that chair even more battle scared.

"Y/N!" Skye shouted running over to you and starting to untie the knots around your wrists.

You were in immense pain and most likely dehydrated but you tried opening your eyes when you instantly recognized the voice.

"Skye?" you hazily asked letting your eyes come back into focus.

"It's okay Y/N, we're going to get you out of here."

Daisy and May helped you out of the chair and back to the zephyr.

When the plane took off Fitz went scrounging for medical supplies as Simmons started tending to your wounds.

"I can't believe you're here. We all thought you were dead," Skye said from her spot next to you. She hadn't let go of your hand since you sat down.

"I thought I was too, but somehow Hydra got me out of the tomb and I woke up in that room. They were torturing me for information about Shield but I wouldn't tell them anything. They figured it'd be better if they just used me as bait to bring you to them instead," you said trying not to show how much pain you were really in.

"You're safe now. Take your time to heal. We have a lot to catch up on," Skye said smiling at you.

"Yeah Skye has powers now," Simmons said as she was putting stitches into one of your wounds.

"You what!" you exclaimed looking at Skye

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