You're back (Daisy x reader)

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Six months.

It had been six months since Daisy left and Shield fell apart.

Your team was split up under the new directors orders and you were stuck training new agents with May.

It wasn't so bad for the first few weeks but both you and May were meant to be in the field, not running the same training simulations over and over again.

You heard that Mack and Coulson had gotten a new lead on Daisy and went after her.

Like always it was a few days of impatiently waiting for them to check-in and report if they had found her or not.

Every time they called and said they lost her again you were hit with another wave of disappointment.

One day you were chatting with Fitz and Simmons when you heard a voice from behind you, "Hey guys."

You were afraid to turn around because you immediately recognized the voice.

You took a deep breath and turned to see Daisy faintly smiling at you.

"You're back," you said calmly trying to keep your cool.

She walked towards you, "I'm back."

"For good?" you asked hopeful.

"Yeah, I'm back for good."

You smiled for the first time in a long time and eagerly pulled her in for a hug.

"Good, because I... I mean, we, all missed you," you said letting her go so she could hug Simmons and Fitz.

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