Temporary moment (Daisy x reader)

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Summary: Slight au where instead of the team getting arrested they decide to lay low and go on vacation

Even with Aida gone Shield wasn't in clear waters yet.

Thanks to the chaos caused by her LMD's the public was not in Shield's favor at the moment.

Everyone was exhausted, both physically and even more so mentally.

Coulson thought that the best idea for everyone right now was to go their separate ways and recuperate from everything Aida had put them through.

No one complained about the idea of a well deserved vacation.

With the summer approaching, you and Daisy decided on heading out to the Bahamas for some much needed alone time.

Nassau island was everything you could have hoped for and more

The beautiful scenery, relaxation from not having to always look over your shoulder and most importantly, being with Daisy.

You spent your days on the beach just enjoying each others company and nights reminiscing one another again.

Basking in the summer sun one evening Daisy turned to you, "What if we just stayed here forever," she calmly asked.

"As much as I love being here we both know you and I would get bored without any action in our lives."

"Oh we are getting plenty of action," she smirked.

"Well yes, but not what I meant Daisy," you laughed getting up to join her on her beach chaise, "the world needs Shield, they might not have the right impression of us right now but that doesn't matter. There's too much evil to just turn our backs on them. Even if it did mean getting to spend the rest of my life here with you."

"I know. Do you think things will go back to the way they were when the team gets back together?"

"Probably not, but that's okay. It's going to take time for everyone to work through the trauma Aida caused. But we're a team, and we will work through it together while once again saving the world," you smiled.

Daisy leaned in to kiss you, "You're right, as long as we have each other we will get through this."

This time you were the one to kiss her and for a temporary moment everything felt alright again

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