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"Run!" Larry shouted. Ahkmenrah grabbed your hand as he pulled you along. You had only been in the British Museum for twenty minutes, and you were already being chased by the giant skeleton of a Triceratops. You all rounded a corner and ran into a medieval-looking room. The Triceratops followed you in, blocking the only exit. You were all trapped. Ahk gently pushed you behind him, and you all pressed up against the walls of the room.

"Need some help?" You all looked around for the owner of the voice. "Move." Suddenly, one of the suits of armor lunged forward and punched the dinosaur in the nose. You all watched as the Triceratops ran off with its tail between its legs.

"Uh, thanks," Larry said. The knight took off his helmet.

"I am Sir Lancelot." He announced with a flourish. Larry awkwardly said his name. Teddy walked up and held his hand out.

"Theodore Roosevelt, twenty-sixth president of the United States," He introduced. Lancelot shook his hand.

"I have no idea what that means." He nodded to Sacagawea and Attila, and then turned to you. "And you are?"

"Y/N," You answered. He smiled and took your hand, gently pressing his lips to it.

"It's an honor, Lady Y/N." He murmured. He let go of your hand and turned to Larry, beginning to talk to him about quests and dangly bells.

"I do not trust him, Y/N," Ahkmenrah said quietly from behind you.

"I don't know, he seems harmless," You answered. Ahkmenrah stepped closer to you as Lancelot and Larry finished talking.

"Lancelot's coming with us." The look on Larry's face told you that he hadn't exactly agreed to this, but his expression quickly changed once Attila realized the two miniatures were missing. You and Ahkmenrah exchanged a glance, and reluctantly followed the group as you searched for Jedediah and Octavius. After you had sent Dexter into the floor vents, you all walked through the halls until you came to the Oriental wing. You were about to walk into a hexagonal room, when you noticed the giant metal snake demon sleeping in the center. You all ducked behind two pillars. You, Lancelot, Attila and Teddy all ducked behind one, and Ahkmenrah, Sacagawea, Nicky, and Larry hid behind the other pillar. Lancelot began whisper-shouting to Larry about killing it. You cautiously peeked around the corner to get a glimpse of the Xianglu, as Larry called it. You felt a hand on your shoulder, gently nudging you back behind the stone pillar.

"Stay back Lady Y/N; it's much too dangerous for a lady." The knight warned you. Larry decided that the best option was to quietly sneak around the sleeping beast. You all met up and began to creep into the room. Ahkmenrah gently nudged you so he was between you and the Xianglu. You saw something glowing out of the corner of your eye. You looked down at the Tablet, and saw the blue-green mold creeping up the front. Ahkmenrah suddenly collapsed. You gently caught him and lowered him to the ground as Teddy began yelling about some nonsense. The Xianglu roared to life, its multiple heads fanning out. Each head honed in on someone, including you. Knowing that Ahkmenrah wouldn't be able to dodge if it struck a blow, you carefully leaned him up against the wall and got up, ignoring his protests. The snake head swiveled as it followed you. It lunged for you, and head butted you in the gut. You crashed into the wall behind you, and fell to the floor, blacking out. When you came to, you were being cradled in an unfamiliar pair of arms. You looked up, and met the blue eyes of Lancelot. He gently helped you up into a sitting position. "Are you alright, Lady Y/N?" He asked.

"I-I'm fine," You managed to say. You looked over and saw Larry helping Ahkmenrah stand up. When Ahkmenrah was sure he could stay standing, he quickly ran over to where you sat. He gently but swiftly pulled you out of Lancelot's arms and into his own.

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