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You helped your dad move a few boxes towards some new exhibits. Everybody was helping setting them up, and you had a fun time together. You would tease Larry if a box was too heavy, which led to Attila carrying it.

"Very funny, Y/n. Now could you bring these to the Japanese exhibit." He handed you a box full of some kind of paper, rolled up with Japanese writing on it. You nodded and carried the boxes towards the stairs. You turned a corner and accidently walked into someone, making the box fall out of your hands, the rolls falling on the floor.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..." You looked up at the person and saw Ahkmenrah standing in front of you.
"No, I'm sorry, Y/n. Let me help you." He started picking up the rolls from the ground, putting them back in the box, picking it up.
"The Japanese exhibit I suppose?" He said while inspecting one of the roles. You nodded and walked with him towards the exhibit. Once arriving there, he put the box on the ground and turned to you.
"Can I just say that you have the most mesmerizing eyes I have ever seen." You smirked at Ahk before responding.
"Oh yeah? Would you like to see them up close?" You wiggled your eyebrows, but Ahk looked at you confused. You sighed, rolling your eyes, leaving the exhibit, leaving a confused Ahk behind.
He walked back to the main hall, were everybody was discussing about the new exhibits.
"Alright, the Japanese exhibit will arrive tomorrow, and the stuff for the WWII exhibit will arrive next week." We all nodded, carrying the last boxes away.
"Y/n, would you like to go on a walk with me sometime, to get to know each other better?" You turned around, Ahk standing in front of you, desperately waiting for an answer.
"I know a much better way to get to know each other." You smirked at Ahk. He had no idea how you thought about him. He didn't understand your flirting attempts.
"So is that a yes, or?" You sighed and nodded. He smiled brightly and grabbed your hands, kissing your knuckles, before letting go and walking away. You sighed, you tried to tell him that you wanna be more than just friends, but he didn't catch the hint.

Meanwhile, Ahk was walking towards the security office, knocking on the door.
"Come in!" He walked in and saw Nicky watching Tv. Nicky nodded at him.
"I need your advice." Nicky sat up at the serious tone, motioning Ahk to sit next to him.
"So I need your advice at my attempts to flirt with, Y/n." Nicky looked at Ahk awkwardly, but motioned him to continue.
"Every time I say something, she responds with all kinds of things."
"Like what?" Ahk shrugged and thought about some examples.
"earlier today, I asked her out, I wanted to get to know her better, and she responded with something like: 'I know a much better way to get to know each other'." Nicky started laughing uncontrollably, Ahk staring at him with a confused expression. After Nicky calmed down, he saw the confusion in Ahk's face.
"She totally wants to hook up with you." Ahk's eyes widened, and he finally understood.
"Has she been hinting me all along?" Nicky nodded taking a sip from his drink.
"Probably, so you want a few tips on how to handle this?" Ahk nodded.
They spend the whole night talking to each other, Nicky teaching Ahk how to flirt properly.

"Alright, Ahki. I think you got it!" He patted Ahk's shoulder and Ahk smiled at Nicky.
"Thank you so much, Nicky." Nicky nodded.
"You should probably head back, it's almost sunrise." Ahk said goodbye to Nicky and left the room, walking towards his exhibit.

The next day, Ahk was waiting on you to arrive at the museum. You walked in and was greeted by him.
"Goodnight, Y/n. Shall we?" You nodded and followed Ahk. You walked for a while, and you noticed at every joke you made, Ahk seemed to understand and smirked at you.
You walked into the new Japanese exhibit, you grabbed one of the pillow and cuddled it into your chest.
"It's so soft, too bad I like it a little rough." You winked at Ahk, who smirked down at you before responding.
"You know what I like, your top, but I would like it even more on my exhibit floor." You stared at Ahk, not expecting those words to come out of his mouth.
"Where did you get that from?" He shrugged and took a step closer to you. You stared up at him, often glancing towards his lips.
"Let's just say, I picked up on a few of your 'Hints'." You bit your lip as you looked up at Ahk.
He cupped your cheeks in his hands, and connected your lips together. You gasped, but soon melted into the kiss. After pulling back, to catch your breath, he smirked down at you.
"Let's go to my exhibit." You nodded and he grabbed your hand, guiding you towards his exhibit.
He pushed you against the wall, and kissed you again, hands roaming over your body. You gasped as he attached his lips to your neck.
"You look so good like this, babe." You chuckled.
"Seriously, where did you get all this smoothness from?" He shrugged and responded.
"I may have gotten some tips from Nicky." You laughed.
"Nicky? Seriously?" He smiled at you and pecked your lips. He motioned you to jump and you wrapped your legs around his waist.
"Don't say you don't like it, Y/n." You smirked at him and connected your lips once more.

"Oh shut up, Ahk."

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