You Have To Try

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"Dad?" You called into the museum as you eased the door shut behind you. "Dad, it's Y/N!" Still no answer. "I have Burger King!" You shouted as you raised the paper bag in your hand.

"Hey Y/N!" You sighed in exasperation.

"Unbelievable." Your father plopped down in his seat and you handed him his supper. "What took you so long?"

"Some new exhibits," He said as he chewed. "I was unpacking them." You nodded. "Actually, would you mind helping us?"

"Sure," He smiled as he scarfed down the rest of his food.

"Great! Come with me." He stood up and walked towards the storage room, you following close behind.

"Y/N!" You turned as Ahkmenrah jogged over to the two of you. "How are you?" You smiled.

"I'm fine," You answered. "You?" He shrugged.

"As well as an ancient mummy can be, I guess." You laughed, and he grinned at you. "Where are you going?"

"Dad wants me to help unpack some new exhibits. You in?" He nodded as your dad opened the door to the loading area. Three long wooden crates were sitting in a straight line. Larry handed the two of you crowbars and you each set to work. Ahkmenrah and Larry got theirs open first, but you were close behind. You heard Ahkmenrah suck in a breath.

"Y/N, don't op—" But it was too late. You ripped the last nail out of the lid and it flew off. The exhibit inside sprang up and before you knew what was happened, there was a blade against your throat.

"Not even a twitch," The man hissed in your ear. You swallowed nervously and nodded.

"Let her go, Kah." Ahkmenrah's voice was dangerously low.

"Ah ah ah," Kahmunrah tsked as he pressed the blade closer to your neck. You whimpered and Ahkmenrah stepped forward angrily. "Not another step, or her pretty little neck won't be so pretty." Ahk's nostrils flared as he glared at his brother. Larry slowly circled around behind, but was stopped by Kahmunrah. "I see you back there!" He shouted, suddenly angry. "Don't move!" Your dad froze before slowly moving back into Kahmunrah's line of sight. "Very good." He turned to his brother. "Now, Ahk. Where is the tablet?"

"Why would I tell you?" Kahmunrah laughed from behind you.

"Very well." He clucked his tongue and soldiers sprang out of the other two boxes and surrounded Larry and Ahkmenrah. "My men will be happy to keep you company while we go look for it." He began to back out of the room as you struggled in his grip. He responded by dragging the blade lightly over your upper arm. You hissed in pain and blood oozed out of the cut. Ahkmenrah and Larry both started forward, but the guards halted them by pointing their spears at their chests. Kahmunrah dragged you around a corner and out of sight.


"It's almost like he expected I was coming," Kahmunrah remarked as he studied the empty Egyptology exhibit. He turned to where you were sitting in a chair, tied tightly in place with a thick rope. You glared at him silently as he searched for his prize. He growled in frustration when he couldn't find it, and whirled on you in a hurry. "You." He pointed a finger at you. "He trusts you. So tell me," He picked up his sword and pointed it at your throat. "Where is it?" You swallowed nervously, before steeling your nerves and raising your gaze to his. You stared at him quietly. "TELL ME!" He screamed. You could hear footsteps coming towards you.

"Never." You said bravely. He growled in frustration, and pulled his arm back. Footsteps thundered towards you, but they were quickly drowned out by the blood rushing in your ears.

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