Story Time

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When Larry Daley, the father of a friend, mentioned something about starting a reading corner during the night program, you told him you'd be interested in reading to the kids...for volunteer hours of course. It had nothing to do with the totally hot Pharaoh Nicky had introduced you to when you went there with him. Definitely not.

And now that you had been working at the museum for a while, your feelings for Ahkmenrah had only intensified. You knew one thing for certain: You were screwed. Every time he smirked or smiled at you, your heart fluttered, and on the off nights when you showed up to party with the living exhibits, you couldn't help but watch him dance at the DJ station. Those hips did not lie...

Little did you know that while you glanced away from Ahk and pretended not to notice how attractive he was, he was looking at you with the very same thing in mind.

Oh, what I wouldn't do to make you mine, lotus...

As for Jed and Octavius, the two of them had had enough of it. No more longing glances, no more wistful sighs. They would get the two of you together if it was the last thing they did.

So, on Medieval Night, they came up to you, a small wagon being towed by their RC car. And in the wagon, there was a book.

"What's this?" You asked quizzically. A quick examination of the book told you it was homemade.

"We brought you something to read, Miss Gigantor." Jed got out of the car, quickly accompanied by his Roman buddy. "For the children, of course."

"The Maiden and the Mummy?" You read, heat rushing to your cheeks. Uh oh. You didn't like where this was going, but by this time, a small group of children had already gathered on the carpet in front of you. It was too late to find your other book, and now that they had given you this one, you suspected they had hidden the other one somewhere else.

Seeing as there was nothing else to do, you sat on your stool, waited for a few stragglers, and then finally began reading. When you opened the book, you noticed that a very handsome Pharaoh was leaning against the nearest pillar, his eyes staring directly into your soul. A small smile tugged at your lips, and he returned the warm expression. It was then that you spotted the tiny men sitting on his shoulder. The minis were definitely up to something.

"Once upon a time, a hell of a long time ago, there was a prince named Ahkmenrah." You read. At the mention of himself, the Pharaoh took a few steps closer and sat amongst the children, who looked at him in awe. "Ahk died."

You turned the page.

"But before he died, he was crowned king or something. Anyway, because he was in Egypt, the prince king was turned into a mummy. And then, he ended up in a museum somehow." You chuckled as you read it, turning the page. This was definitely something Jed had written. You assumed Octavius had done the wonderful crayon illustrations.

"Long after the king ended up in the museum, he was finally let out to party with the rest of the exhibits every time night fell. As time went on, the museum got more famous and started a night program." You read. "This is where the maiden comes in."

"Once upon a time, not too long ago, a girl named (Y/N) started working in the museum." You tried to hide the embarrassing shade of red your face had become. This caused some of the kids to laugh. "She thought Ahkmenrah was a dandy. He thought she was a beaut."

"Jedidiah and Octavius were sick and tired of watchin' the two of 'em dance around each other, so they wrote this book and invited princey to story time." You laughed. This couldn't be true, could it? Did Ahk really like you?

"The End."

The kids clapped. Ahk stood up, and as he did, the RC car ran into his foot. Sometime during the story, Jed and Octavius had snuck off, and now there was a bouquet. Ahk picked it up, quietly thanked them, and then closed the space between you. You stood in front of him, looking up at him.

"So you..." You didn't know how to say it.

"I have wanted to talk to you every night you've stepped foot in the museum. I...I apologize for not having the courage to approach you. Your beauty strikes me in a way that makes time seem to stop."

"But you're a king. You could have anyone in the world and you-"

"I wouldn't choose anyone else." His hand cupped your jaw. "You are the only person on this earth that I would ever court. So, if you would have me..."

"Yes, Ahk." you nodded. He handed you the bouquet.

"Now, my fair maiden," He motioned to your attire and turned to the children, suddenly remembering that the two of you had an audience. "Shall we go?"

"Yes, my king." You swept into a curtsy before standing in front of him once more. He held out his hand, and you gladly took it, intertwining your fingers with his. Ahk's hand squeezed yours tight as you walked out of the story corner and out into the rest of the museum. Larry spotted you.

"Well, it took you long enough." He motioned to your connected hands. "I take it you two are tag-teaming story time from now on?"

Ahk pulled you into his chest. "I would like nothing more."

Author: dem-obscure-imagines

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