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You could see the pyramids from your hotel room window. You were on vacation with your family, you arrived 2 days ago and didn't even visit the pyramids.

"Who would want to go there when it's this hot!" Your father had said when you mentioned it. You sighed turning around in your bed. Everyone was asleep, except for you. If this was going the way your dad wanted, you were never going to see the pyramids up close. You suddenly got an idea. You crawled out of bed, silently putting on your shoes, grabbing the keys to your hotel room, as you left the room, quietly closing the door behind you.

You took the elevator to the main floor, and rushed out. You walked outside, it was a lot colder at night then you expected, and you immediately regretted not bringing a jacket.

You called someone to pick you up and bring you to the pyramids.

Once arriving at the pyramids, you thanked the driver of the taxi, and turned around. You had your backpack filled with all kinds of stuff, flashlight, notebook, pencils, ropes and your cellphone.
You climbed onto one of the steps, and they seemed a lot smaller from afar. After about ten of them, you were already exhausted and decided to take a break. You sat down onto one of the blocks, but suddenly fell backwards when the block moved. You screamed while you fell down the pyramid, harshly landing on the rock floor. You groaned and got up. You were surrounded by darkness and you tried to find your backpack using your hands. When you finally found it, you grabbed your flashlight, clicking it on. You pointed to the left of you and noticed there was a long path in front of you, turning to the right, there was an identical path. You silently cursed.
"Fuck, how am I going to get out of here?" You muttered to yourself, before deciding to go left/right. You followed the path, and tripped several times due to the rocky path you were walking on. You arrived at another split end, you headed right/left. You started to panic, as the paths kept leading in the same directions. You pointed your flashlight at the wall, there was a jaguar drawn onto it.
"Haven't I been here before?" You mumbled and continued the walk along. Suddenly you could hear a growling noise coming from behind the wall. You gasped and quickly running away from the sound. You felt tears welling into your eyes, you were lost. You quickly grabbed your cellphone out of your pocket, you dialed your dad's phone number, but you had no service.
"Really! Ugh, forget it!" You put the cellphone in your pocket. You suddenly noticed a light source coming closer from one of the split ends. You turned off your flashlight, trying not to grab attention. He was coming closer and you could now see, it was some kind of guard, but his head shaped like a hawk. He yelled something at your and started running towards you.
"Shit, shit, shit!" You said as you ran away from the guard. At another split end, you could see two more guards running towards you from the left/right. You ran to the other direction, you could hear several guards running behind you, and they were catching up. Suddenly you were at a dead end. You turned around your back against the wall.
The guard were pointing their spears at you and slowly walked forward, one of them screaming at you in some weird language.
"No, please... I'm so sorry..." Your hand accidently pushed in one of the bricks behind you, making the ground under you disappear. You screamed again as you fell, trying to grab ahold of something, your hand hit a rock, making you cry out in pain.
You fell hard on the rock floor, once again, creating a cloud of dust around you. You coughed, and tried to get up. You looked around you and noticed this room was well lit, and was covered in golden decorations. You could hear the guards catching up behind you, you tried to stand up, but sprained your ankle when hitting the ground and fell down to your knees again. You looked up and your eyes widened. There was a couple standing in front of you, both wearing beautiful golden necklaces and some kind of skirt. Next to them was a young boy, you guessed around your age, also with a golden necklaces, but his was decorated with several beads, and a skirt.

You were now surrounded by guards, all pointing their spears at you. You begged them to let you go, but as soon as they wanted to kill you, someone yelled something in a foreign language. They all held back their spears, and walked away from you, bowing down in a line, waiting for a command.
The man looked down at you before speaking some weird language. You looked at him confused, and glanced towards the woman, and the boy.
"English?" He asked making you nod. You couldn't keep your eyes off the handsome boy, who was also looking you up and down.
"Yes, I speak English." He nodded and motioned his family to come closer.
"What are you doing here, may I ask?" You bowed down slightly, his facial expression turned a little softer, probably approving of your behavior.
"I am terribly sorry to intrude in your lovely home, but I did not get here on purpose. I fell in one of your traps and tried to find my way out." He nodded before introducing himself.
"I am Merenkahre king of the soiled land, and this is my wife Shepseheret queen of the Nile and the beauty of Egypt, and Ahkmenrah, prince of Egypt, representing the powers of Ra." You nodded and awkwardly tried to come up with a name.
"I am Y/n, explorer of the world." Really Y/n, you literally sound like Dora. He nodded and took your hands in his.
"Your presence is unexpected I will say, but you can rest in the guest room. Ahkmenrah, my son, please guide her to her room." He nodded and took your hand, pulling you towards one of the halls. You limped a little, but could get going.
"You made quite the entrance, Y/n, explorer of the world." You rolled your eyes at the name, but chuckled at his words.

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