We Meet Again

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You were watching a movie with Ahk. You had your head on his lap, while you two were staring at the screen.
"What's that?" Ahk asked, glancing towards the door of the security room, where you were located.
"What's what? I didn't hear anything." He shrugged and relaxed. He began to trace your jawline with his pointer finger, making you giggle. Suddenly you heard several footsteps walking across the hall. You quickly grabbed the remote, and put the Tv on mute. You quietly sat up, Ahk grabbing your hand and standing up. He put his pointer finger to his mouth, motioning you to stay quiet. You stood up too, and quietly walked with Ahk towards the door. He opened it and glanced around the corner. His eyes widened, pulling you out of the room. He motioned you to walk up the stairs, you nodded making your way up the stairs, you glance back and saw a group of some kind of guards, but their head shaped like a wolf. You didn't remember any Egyptian guards being part of the museum. You noticed Ahk was quietly following them, hiding behind pillars every now and then. You walked towards the balcony of the museum, where you could look over the whole main hall.
Your eyes widened. Larry, Sacagawea and Teddy were tied up in a corner, and Rexy was trapped inside a big cage, but still way too small for him. There were guards everywhere and you immediately understood this wasn't part of the museum.
"Hello there, beautiful." A damp cloth was being pressed against your mouth and nose, you panicked and took a deep breath. You could feel yourself dozing off, and before you knew it, you passed out.

You blinked a few times, trying to get use to the bright light. Once you opened them fully, you could see Ahk's brother holding the Tablet.
You tried to speak, but you were gagged and tied down.
"Oh, look who decided to wake up?" Kahmunrah walked towards you, ripping the gag from your mouth.
"What are you doing here?" You hissed. He started walking away from you, commanding something in his language to one of the guards.
"I'm just here to pick up something that belongs to me." He presented me the Tablet, making me narrow my eyes at him.
"It doesn't belong to you, it belongs to Ahk! And what have you done to him?" You tried to wiggle out of the ropes, but it was no use. You saw Larry and the rest staring at you from the corner, they were all gagged as well.
"Why don't you see for yourself?" Kahmunrah pointed towards one of the guards, carrying Ahk's body. He had a sack thrown over his head, so you couldn't see his face. You could see he was conscious cause when the guard put him down, he tried to run away. Of course he was caught very quickly and thrown on his knees by one of the guards. Kahmunrah walked over to him, and pulled the sack off his head. You gasped and so did Larry, Sacagawea and Teddy.
Ahk was covered in bruised, his nose was bleeding and he had a black eye. You could see a big purple bruise on his stomach and you also noticed his clothes were torn apart, he had a few cuts on his face. He looked horrible. Tears started to well into your eyes.
"You bastard! What have you done to him?!" Tears were now rolling down your cheeks, and you could hear muffled screams coming from Larry and the rest. Kahmunrah smirked, grabbing Ahks jaw, and removing the gag.
"Happy to see me again, brother." Ahk spit in his eye, making Kahmunrah let go of his jaw.
"Y/n, I will get you out of this, I promise." Kahmunrah wiped the spit of his face, before grabbing the back of Ahk's hair, making him look up at him.
"You were always the better brother, Ahkmenrah. But now you'll pay the consequences. Let's give you a little show." Kahmunrah pointed at me, commanding something to the guards, making Ahk's eyes widen and beg for forgiveness.
"Please, brother! I'll do anything, just leave her out of this!" Kahmunrah smirked, and two guards harshly picked me up throwing me in the middle of the room. Ahk began yelling at his brother, who put the gag back in his mouth.
I looked towards Larry and saw he wasn't there anymore. I glanced around and saw him picking up the Tablet Kahmunrah put down.
You were thrown on the ground, the two guards pointing their weapons at you, ready to take your life. You closed your eyes ready for death, but nothing happened.

You opened your eyes and saw Ahkmenrah laying in front of you, one spear jabbed in his arm and the other on the side of his waist.
"Ahk, no!" You screamed crawling over to Ahkmenrah. Larry used the code to curse Kahmunrah back to the place he belongs. All guards were pulled into the portal, but before Kahmunrah left, he said his last words to Ahk.
"At least you have paid for what you've done." Before being pulled into the portal. Larry quickly closed it and untied everyone. Meanwhile you pulled the gag out of Ahk's mouth. Tears were streaming down your face, some landing on Ahk's cheeks. Sacagawea sat next to you, cutting the ropes from your hands, then started inspecting the wounds of Ahk.
Ahk cupped your cheek with one of his hands, smiling up at you. You couldn't smile, the one you loved was dying right in front of you.
"It's okay, Y/n, my love." You grabbed the hand on your cheek with both hands and started sobbing.
"You can't leave me, Ahk. I can't live without you..." He wiped away your tears with his thumb. He gasped, and starting coughing. His breathing was heavy, and he looked like he could pass out at any moment. You glanced towards his waist and his arm, the cuts were really deep. He was in a critical situation, and you weren't sure if he would survive.
Suddenly Sacagawea tapped your shoulder, you turned towards her.
"Y/n, if we do it fast, I can still take care of Ahk's wounds." Your eyes widened, nodding at her.
"Do it, please do it!" You said to her. She nodded and motioned some exhibits to help her.
You turned to Ahk again, who looked up at you and nodded his head. You both leaned in and connected your lips to one another. You pulled back, and Ahk surrounded by Sacagawea and the others that would take care of him.
"I love you, Y/n." He said while he was carried away. You repeated the words back at him. You turned around tears still falling down your face. You noticed you were surrounded by all the exhibits, and Larry and Teddy, walked up to you. You fell to your knees sobbing into your hands. You felt Two hands on your shoulders. Trying to comfort you as you cried.

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