The New Exhibit

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You took in a breath. It felt strange, like you haven't breathed in a long time. Opening your eyes, you seemed to be laying in some sort of box, with a strange unnatural light overhead. You sat up, looking around. Nothing was familiar, except perhaps the clothing one of the two men looking at you was wearing. He looked Egyptian, the other man definitely did not. Way too pale.

"What's going on?" you asked, confused. "And who are you?"

"I am Ahkmenrah, and this is Larry," the Egyptian introduced. Larry gave a small wave. "You are in a land called New York, in a museum. You have a lot to catch up on."

It took a few days, but you soon got used to the whole "alive only at night, exhibit during the day" thing.

"You know? It's nice to have someone I can talk with about life in Egypt, even if you were around a couple hundred years before I was", Ahkmenrah told you.

You nodded. "It was nice to have you explain what's going on," you stated. "Though, apparently I've been stealing attention from you from the museum visitors," you teased.

Ahkmenrah laughed a little. "Well, I've been here a while," he said. "I'm sure you'd steal even more if people could see what you actually look like."

You blushed. "Nah, I'm sure you'd get more. You're actually royalty, after all", you stated. "I was just nobility."

Larry walked over, apparently listening in to the conversation, and whispered in Ahkmenrah's ear. Ahkmenrah looked surprised at what it was Larry had to tell him.

"You really think I should?" he asked nervously.

"Of course! Teddy has Sacajawea, Jed has Octavius-" Larry started.

"I'm pretty sure their relationship isn't like that," Ahkmenrah commented flatly.

"Now it's your turn. I'll go ahead and leave so it's not too awkward," Larry said, getting up to leave.

"What was that all about?" you asked, not really able to follow what was going on.

"Larry thinks we should..." Ahkmenrah started, trailing off when he tried searching for the word. "Well, we have quite a bit in common, and you're cute. Would you mind if I-" He trailed off again as he leaned in for a kiss.

You closed your eyes and returned the kiss, scooting closer to Ahkmenrah. Realizing your enthusiasm for the idea, Ahkmenrah brought one hand up to the back of your head to pull you in more, the other hand gently, slowly running up and down your arm, just feeling your skin.

Before long, you and Ahkmenrah found yourselves tangled together in his sarcophagus. A shadow loomed over you, and you looked up to see Larry smirking down at you. You were suddenly glad that the only clothing to come off so far was Ahkmenrah's top.

"Told you," Larry said to Ahkmenrah.

"Shush," Ahkmenrah said, pointing at Larry. Even trying to be angry, Ahkmenrah couldn't help but smile. "And go away before I get my guards to get you out of here."

"Guards? What- Oh, the giant dog guards. I'll be on my way," Larry said, making a hasty exit.

"Now where were we?" you asked, wrapping your arms around Ahkmenrah, bringing him as close to you as was possible before kissing him deeply.

Author: marvellousimagines

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