Romeo and Juliet

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You walked through the rotating doors, stepping into the big museum. The large t-rex was right in front of you, and you noticed it didn't move yet. You shrugged and looked at your watch. 6:04 p.m., but the sun was still shining through the colored windows, meaning the exhibits weren't alive yet. You walked up to the info center, and placed your bag on the desk. You grabbed your phone out of your pocket, and texted your friend. Your fingers rapidly moved against the screen, and you often smiled at her responds. You could hear footsteps coming from one of the halls, and you saw Larry turn a corner. You smiled at him, and put your phone back in your pocket.
"Hey, Larry." He nodded at you, and walked into the info center, grabbing some files, before turning to you.
"Hey, Y/n. How've you been?" You sighed and shrugged, before extending your arms out to your backpack. You opened the black bag, and grabbed something out of it. Meanwhile, Larry's eyes followed your movements, before turning his gaze towards the book in your hands.
"Romeo and Juliet?" You nodded, letting the pages glide against your finger.
"Yup, assignment for school." He laughed at the tone of your voice. He grabbed the book out of your hands, and inspected the cover.
"Could it be even more boring? The story doesn't even make sense!" You exclaimed. Larry chuckled, and looked at his watch. You did the same thing, and smiled as you noticed everything around you had become slightly darker. The lights on the ceiling lit up the halls of the big museum, and you knew the exhibits would wake up at any second. You suddenly felt the ground shook, and you turned towards the giant t-rex making its way up to you. It sat down in front of you, happily roared at you.
"You wanna play, big guy?" Larry handed you the little car, with the bone attached to it. You placed it on the ground, and turned on the remote. The dinosaur's tail wiggled happily, and as you drove the little truck into one of the halls, the t-rex happily followed it. You smiled as he barked at the little toy, before you turned back to Larry, and handed him the remote.
"Romeo and Juliet?" You turned around, and faced Teddy, holding the book and letting his eyes glide over one of the pages. You smiled at the man, and nodded.
"Yes, Teddy. It's for school, but I don't like it." His eyes widened, and looked at you in shock.
"You don't like Romeo and Juliet, my dear? Why not? It's an amazing story!" You scoffed and shook your head. You grabbed the book out of his hands, and put it back into your bag.
"No way, the story is as realistic as pigs flying!" Teddy chuckled at the example, and Larry joined him by his side as he laughed.
"C'mon, Y/n. It/s not that bad!" You shook your head again, and disagreed with him.
"It is! There is no way you can fall in love with someone in such a short time! And why did he kill himself if he didn't double check she was dead." Teddy and Larry both laughed at your statements. It was clearly visible that you didn't like the story, but that you were so passionate about hating it, was something they didn't expect.
"I mean, you can't love someone that fast, it's ridiculous!" Eventually you joined the laughter of Larry and Teddy, as you could imagine how funny you would have looked, rambling about how much you hated the story.
After you calmed down, you sighed deeply and turned back to Larry and Teddy.
"Hey, have you guys seen Ahk yet?" Larry shrugged, and Teddy shook his head.
"I haven't, my dear Y/n. He's a busy pharaoh." You rolled your eyes at him, and walked in the direction of his exhibit. You turned the corner, and greeted the big Jackhal guards, in the way Ahk taught you. They nodded at you, as you walked past them, but you didn't see Ahk anywhere. You sighed and walked out of the exhibit, trying to find Ahk.

You hadn't seen Ahk for over 2 nights, and you became kinda worried. Several other exhibits had seen him walking through the halls, but somehow you hadn't seen him yet.
You walked towards his exhibit yet again, and when you turned the corner, you noticed he wasn't there yet again. You looked at the guards, and they stared down at you. You tried to ask them where Ahk went in broken ancient Egyptian, and they somehow understood what you asked. They pointed to the left. You thanked them, and made your way towards the Chinese exhibit.
As you walked into the exhibit, you smiled at the sight of Ahk talking to one of the Geisha girls. You walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He sighed deeply and turned around. His eyes widened at the sight of you, and you raised an eyebrow at him.
"Why have you been avoiding me?" He shook his head, and tried to respond, but no words came out of his mouth.
"Don't you like spending time with me?" He sighed deeply, and placed his hand on your shoulder. You quickly glanced at the tan hand, before looking back up at him.
"Of course I do, I was just... busy."
"Bullshit." He tensed slightly at your use of words, but you just narrowed your eyes at him. You shrugged his hand of your shoulder.
"Just tell me, Ahk. I haven't seen you for 2 nights!" He nodded, and looked down at the ground, trying to avoid eye contact. You placed your pointer finger under his chin, forcing him to look up at you.
"Y/n, I wanted to tell you something, but..."
"But what?"
"I heard you talking to Larry and Teddy about Romeo and Juliet." You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, still not understanding where he was getting at.
"What does me not liking a book has to do with-"
"I love you, Y/n." Your eyes widened, and you stared at Ahk with a confused expression. Ahk awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, and stared at you, waiting for an answer.
"But you told Larry that you didn't believe in love, well, at least in such a short time. I haven't known you that long, and I was afraid..." You chuckled, making Ahk slightly embarrassed. His cheeks turned a nice shade of pink.
"That I wouldn't like you anymore? Ahk, I-"
"I didn't want to ruin our friendship, and you were rambling about how ridiculous it was, and how-" You shushed the rambling pharaoh, placing your finger on his lips.
"I wanted to say: I love you too." He smiled brightly at you, showing off his beautiful white teeth.
"Y-You do?" You nodded, chuckling down to the ground, and grabbing his hands. He kissed the back of your hand.
"Yes, with all my heart." You felt relieved to finally get that off your chest, and the reaction you got from Ahk gave you an even better feeling. He pulled you in for a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist, and kissing the top of your head.
"Yeah?" You pulled away, and wrapped your arms around the back of his neck. You gently pulled his head down, so you could connect your lips to his. His lips felt warm against yours, and you moved in sync with Ahk. As you pulled away, you smiled up at Ahk, who gave you the exact same smile.

"Don't ever not-tell me how you are feeling."

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