What Love Feels Like

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It was a very warm night in Thebes. You were walking across the hall to your chamber after the hard work you had to do all day. Your body was very exhausted and all you wanted to do was to lie down in your bed and sleep before you had to wake up early in the morning again. Tomorrow was going to be a hard day as well. Some royal families, who were the king's best friends by the way, were going to pay a visit and everything had to be perfectly fine.

As you almost reached your chamber, you heard a voice calling after you. You instantly stopped in your track, turned around and looked at Kiya, a woman in her late 40's. She was very strict and a controlling person. That's why you and the other maids respected her, but also were afraid of her. It was better to do everything she said and not to deal with her. Then everything was okay.

Kiya came towards you, no emotion was visible in her face. "Is there a problem, Kiya?" You asked politely, wondering what she wanted. "No," She said. "I'm supposed to tell you that prince Ahkmenrah wishes to see you." You looked at her questioningly. The prince wished to see you? But why?

"Is there any reason why he wants to see me?" You asked. Kiya only shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. But you should hurry up. Don't let him wait." Then she left, leaving you totally dumbfounded. There were so many questions in your head. Did you do something wrong? Were you going to be punished or even rewarded? Why did especially Ahkmenrah want to see you? You hadn't really something to do with the young prince except for a few occasions. Normally, you served for the beautiful queen Shepseheret, his lovely mother.

With all those questions in your head, you made your way to the prince's chamber. You felt very nervous the more closer you came to his chamber. It was the prince after all. He was very, very handsome, kind and a caring young boy at your age. Every girl in whole Thebes would do everything to be his wife or even at the same place as he was. Sometimes you felt a bit jealous because some other maids were allowed to serve the prince themselves.

You finally arrived at your destination. Your heart pounded against your chest with a quick pace. You inhaled and exhaled, trying to calm down. Knocking on the door, you were allowed to enter Ahkmenrah's chamber. You bowed down in front of him politely, not making any eye contact with him. What you didn't notice was the happiness in his beautiful green orbs as he saw you.

How many time had he wait for this moment? It felt like an eternity. You had a perfect view on his muscular chest. "Your highness wishes to see me?" You asked, eyes staring to the ground, not daring to look at the young prince. Ahkmenrah, who leaned against his window before, came towards you. You felt his body warmth radiating as he stood in front of you. "Indeed." He spoke, his voice sounded low but smooth, causing goose bumps on your skin.

"I've been watching you for a long time, (Y/N)." He said, lifting up your chin and forcing you to look in his eyes. You were surprised. He was watching you? For what reason? So many questions. Your body tensed, while your cheeks turned red at the same time. The fact that he was observing you the whole time without you even noticing it was very embarrassing somehow. You averted your gaze away from him, still feeling the warmth in your cheeks. "I'm sorry." Ahkmenrah apologized. "I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." You shook your head.

"N-no, your highness. I'm good." You assured although your body told him otherwise. Meanwhile, your body began to tremble slightly. "(Y/N), please calm down." The young prince tried to soothe you. "I mean no harm to you." You nodded you head understandingly.

"The reason why you're here , lotus, is because I know very well what you're going through every day." Slowly, he put his warm hands on your cheeks, caressing them softly. "W-What do you mean, my prince?" You tried to pull away out of his grip, but you couldn't. You felt safe with him somehow.

"I know how you're being treated, (Y/N). Everyone is so hard on you and although you give your best, you're never rewarded for it. Nobody is pleased with your work. You feel lonely because you don't have any friends to talk to or to share your secrets with. And when you try to make friends with the other maids, the only thing you get is rejection. You want to be loved but you don't get any love."

Tears were brimming your eyes, threatened to fall down your cheeks after his speech. How did he know all that? How did he know that all you wanted and expected from others was only to be accepted and loved? You closed your eyes and tried to hold back your tears, but you failed. Warm tears were escaping your eyes. Ahkmenrah wiped them away, leaning his forehead against yours. "Shh... beautiful flower, don't cry." He said with a soothing voice.

"You don't deserve to cry." He continued speaking. "You deserve happiness and love. And I want to give that to you. I want to show you love." Your heart stopped for a moment as you realized what he did offer to you. Instantly, you shook your head.

"I don't mean to offend you, my prince," You sniffed, "but I can't accept your offer." Ahkmenrah's expression turned to sad abruptly. But then he realized how strange it must have been for you. It seemed like he only wanted to see her because he wanted to be close to her sexually.

He began to laugh. "(Y/N), I don't want to use you for my own needs. I'm not that type of guy. Honestly, I care for you. You can say, I developed some feelings towards you." You looked at him with big eyes and your mouth wide open. Did he confess his feelings for you a moment ago?

Ahkmenrah was waiting for any reaction of you, but there was none. You were too shocked right now to say something. "(Y/N), I want to show my feelings for you tonight. I know you doubt my love for you, but I swear to Ra it's true. I fell for you the first moment I saw you entering the palace and asking my parents to serve for the royal family. Inwardly, I hoped that you would be assigned to me but it didn't happen. I just want to spend only this night with you. "

"How can your highness be in love with me, a maid?" You mumbled. He gave a kiss on your forehead. "I love everything about you, (Y/N). You're special." Although you craved for this moment a long time, you knew that it wasn't right. You also developed feelings for the young prince at the first time you saw him but pushed them aside because you were aware that they would never be returned.

You shook your head. "I'm afraid I can't do that, my prince." "Why not?" You could hear a trace of disappointment in his voice. " Are you aware of what you're doing, your highness? You're asking me, a maid, to spend a night with the prince. What  will your father think if he finds out? He'll punish me. Or even worse: kill me. For seducing his favorite son."

He pushed a strand of air behind your ear. "He won't find out." "What makes you so sure?" You asked curiously. "I just know. Otherwise I'll protect you with my whole being." You wanted to reply something, but he interrupted you as he planted his lips on yours. You didn't respond the kiss at first out of shock, but after a little moment you also moved your lips against his. Ahkmenrah smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to his hard chest. Your hands went through his soft hair, tugging at his soft curls.

Your kiss, which was innocent and gentle at first, turned into a heated make out session. Ahkmenrah lead you to his bed, slowly pushing you down and laying on top of you. He tugged at your clothes, taking them off of your body. His soft hands were caressing every inch of your body tenderly. He treated you with so much care, as if he was afraid that you could break down under his hands. Ahkmenrah gave you his whole attention, making you feel cared the whole night and showed you how important you were to him.

Now you knew what love feels like.

Author: littledreamybeth

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