The Reunion

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The group made their way into the Egyptian wing, thankful to have finally made it. As they stepped over the threshold, a woman appeared from the shadows.

"Mother," Ahkmenrah whispered, stepping forward into the woman's embrace.

A man stepped forward now, his stony face revealing a warm smile. He, too, welcomed his son back with open arms.

"Mother, Father, these are my friends," Ahkmenrah said, indicating the group behind him. "This is Larry, guardian of Brooklyn. He's the one who got us here, brought us to restore the tablet."

"The tablet?" Ahkmenrah's father said.

Larry handed the tablet over and began explaining what had happened to it. Ahkmenrah paid attention for a moment, but then his eyes were drawn back into the shadows once again.



Everyone watched as a young woman appeared, around Ahkmenrah's age. The two ran towards each other, wrapping their arms around the other.

"Dad?" Nick asked. "Who's that?"

"I... I don't know... his sister?"

"Don't be absurd, my boy," Teddy said. "Look at how they're embracing. That's more than a familial hug. I would think that's his wife."

"Wife?" Larry asked. "Ahkmenrah's married?"

The rest of the New York posse shrugged—they'd never heard Ahkmenrah mention a wife during all their years in the museum.

Finally, Ahkmenrah and the woman let go. Larry noticed Ahkmenrah's hand slip down into the woman's.

"Everyone," Ahkmenrah said. "This... is Y/N. My wife."

"Bully!" Teddy said. "Congratulations, my boy."

"Wife?" Larry asked again. "I... she... that's... that's great, Ahkmenrah."

"She's been here the whole time", Ahkmenrah's mother said. "She was buried with us... buried with you, Ahkmen. But when you were transferred to the other museum..."

"She was left behind," Larry finished.

Ahkmenrah gazed down at you. "I never thought I would see you again, my darling."

"I never thought I would see you, either," you replied.

"I have so much to tell you," Ahkmenrah said. "I've had so many great adventures... adventures I wish you could have been a part of."

"Go", Ahkmenrah's father said, small smile still on his face. "You two explore the museum. We'll figure out what to do with this tablet."

Ahkmenrah gave a slight bow to his father before leading you out of the exhibit.


The two of you wandered around, watching the other attractions come to life. You smiled at them in wonder; Ahkmenrah had to keep reminding himself that this was the first time you'd gone through this.

"It's wonderful," you said as if reading his mind. "Though I'm sure it's almost boring for you."

"I remember what it was like, the first time my eyes opened because of the tablet," Ahkmenrah said. "It... is truly magnificent."

"What's New York like?"

"Beautiful. Though not nearly as beautiful as Egypt." A trio of bronze statues clambered past, their footsteps echoing throughout the hall. "And not nearly as beautiful as you."

"Ahkmen," you said, a slight blush on your cheek.

"I cannot believe... after all these years... your beauty has not tarnished."

"We can thank our preservers for that." You gazed up at him. "You don't look a day over twenty-five."

"So much time has passed," Ahkmenrah said, taking both your hands in his. "And yet... I feel as though we've picked up right where we left off."

"I feel the same." Your eyes grew sad. "But... what will happen when you have to return to New York?"

"You could come with me."

"But what about your parents?"

"There is room in my display for all of you." Ahkmenrah squeezed your hands. "Please, Y/N. I cannot think of spending another hour apart from you."

"Ahkmen, won't they think it strange to find no mummies here and three new ones in New York?"

"Exhibits change places all the time."

"And we are one of the most popular ones here. If we left..."

Ahkmenrah realized that what you were saying was true. "Then I will stay here."


"Please, darling. I cannot be separated from you again."

You nodded. You didn't think you could be apart from him again, either. And now that there was this tablet that had brought you to life... well, the world was full of wonder and possibility.


The tablet's power was restored. Ahkmenrah approached Larry, prepared to tell him the bad news.

But Teddy intervened.

"Ahkmenrah," he said with that little grin, his eyes shining. "We've come to a decision."

"As have I, my good friend."

"We want you and the tablet to stay here."

"I... what?"

"You belong here, my boy. With your family. With your wife."

"But... the tablet..."

"It's yours. Always has been. We can't ask to keep it."

"But if you leave it here...."

"We understand. And we've agreed that... we've had our time in the moonlight."

Ahkmenrah was quiet for a moment. "I cannot thank you enough."

"Use your time wisely. Never take a moment for granted. And above all, love your wife with everything you have."


Three years later, Ahkmenrah carefully helped you from your wooden crate. He plucked a stray piece of straw from your hair with a smile. "How was your journey?"

"Claustrophobic." You looked around. "This is... New York?"

Ahkmenrah nodded. "Come. I have some friends I want you to meet."

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