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'Are you alright my son?' Shepseheret put her hand on Ahkmenrah's arm.

He ducked his head and after a short while shook it, 'I have to let her go'.

'Maybe she can stay in London?' she gently rubbed his arm.

'That's not the point mother', Ahk turned and she saw that his eyes were glazed. 'I am an... exhibition while she's alive and not only in night like me. Even if we would stay together now how long it's going to last? A year maybe? No. I can't take more of her life. She deserves someone who can be with her. Actually be with her. Grow old with her. Give her kids. I...', his voice wavered. 'I can't give her any of that', he looked at the corridor you had disappeared minutes ago. 'That's why I have to let her go',he whispered clinching his fists.

'You really love her, don't you?', she said, caressing his cheek.

'I do. I've never felt anything like this before. But of course it's a one thing I can't have', he let out a breathy, humorless laugh.

His mother looked at Merenkahre and nodded when their eyes connected. His father sighed but approached them.

'There might be a way...', he sighed looking at Ahkmenrah.

'What?', Ahk turned to his father.

'I said there might... there is a way', the old man repated.

'Forgive me, father, but I don't understand what you're saying', his son raised an eyebrow.

'This tablet have more properties that you may think', he raised the object. 'As you know it gives you life and it wakes up the exhibitions. It also can cure you, open gates to the underworld and...', he stopped talking and looked at his wife who urged him to continue. 'It can make you mortal once again'.

Ahk looked at him speechless. His eyes glanced at the magical object in his father's hands.

'We wanted it to be able to do that if you died young, before us', his mother said. 'Bring you back. We couldn't imagine the moment we would have to put you in grave. Our son. Especially if you couldn't even taste what life is. But your brother waited until we died to...', she closed her eyes. 'Anyway, there is a combination that can do it. Make you mortal again'

'What is the combination?' Ahkmenrah asked taking the tablet from his father's hands. His fingers hovered over the golden object, his hopes raising.

'My son, if you are going to do that then there is no coming back' older pharaon said. 'No more living forever'

'What kind of living?' Ahk looked at his father 'Only at night? Without a person dearest to my heart? Forgive me mother, forgive me father I do understand why you did it' he raised the tablet' and I will never be able to express my gratitude but you have to set me free' he said more gently taking his mother hand 'Mom, you said you wanted me to taste what life is. Let me' he kissed her forehead when he saw tears escaping her eyes. Ahk turned to his father with pleading look on his face. Merenkahre only nodded and gulped fighting his own tears. They just got their son back and now they have to say goodbye.

The smile that blossomed on Ahkmenrah's face could light up the room.

'I have to go tell Y/N' he said and started running after you

You walked slowly. your hands once in a while removed the tears that gathered on your cheeks. This whole task was pointless though because when you wiped them away more immediately came. Larry looked at you and sighed. He slowed down until you reached him before putting arm around your shoulders.

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