I'll Show You Love

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You just finished helping a costumer. You sold your self-made vases, and your work has gotten pretty popular in the village. You've had several days were everything was sold out and you had to close your stall.

"Have you heard the royal family is walking around the village?" A old lady asked you, you nodded and gave her the change.

"I have, Ma'am! Pretty exciting, isn't it?" She nodded and smiled at you, carefully picking up the vase she bought, and walked away. Honestly you didn't care about the royal family, you just wanted to sell your stuff and feed your family.

You saw another person walking towards your stall and you politely smiled.
"Can I help you sir?" He pointed to one of the vases before turning to you.
"I like that one, did you make it yourself?" You nodded, thanking him for the compliment.
"What will it cost?" You told him the price, and he happily bought it, thanking you for the beautiful vase.
"No, thank you for buying it!" He walked away and you decided to take a break, closing your stall for a few minutes.
You suddenly noticed everyone was running towards the center of the market, and you knew it was because of the king. You rolled your eyes, and stayed behind your stall.

"Mother, is this really necessary?" Shepseheret rolled her eyes, turning towards Kahmunrah.
"Our people will appreciate the effort, Kahmunrah. Now walk along, we have a whole village to walk through." Kahmunrah groaned, silently cursing his parents under his breath, making Ahkmenrah nudge his arm.
The royal family was walking through the village, several guards surrounding them. Merenkahre was in front, greeting the people by waving at them, often looking at one of the stalls. Kahmunrah was walking at the back, checking out the pretty girls, and glaring at the villagers. He thought they were disgusting, they wore dirty clothes and they didn't wear any sandals.
Suddenly his eyes fell on the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She sat behind one of the stalls, reading some kind of paper. He nudged his brother. Ahkmenrah turned to his brother, with an annoyed expression.
"C'mon, brother. We gotta keep moving." Kahmunrah slapped the back of his head, and pointed towards your stall. Ahkmenrah followed his finger and looked your way. His eyes widened at your beauty, and he desperately wanted to catch your attention. He couldn't keep his eyes off you and he immedialtly knew it was love at first sight.
"Kahmunrah, if you don't keep up your pace, you can return to the palace." Kahmunrah rolled his eyes and scoffed. He walked towards your stall, ignoring the shouts of his father.

"Hello, beautiful." You looked up, narrowing your eyes as they met the ones of Kahmunrah. You knew about his reputation, already being accused of cheating by several girls, you were not happy with his presence.
"Can I help you?" You sighed, and pointed towards sign saying you were closed.
"If you could come to the palace tonight, so we can 'discuss' some things, that woud be lovely." You scoffed as he smirked down at you.
"No thank you, your Royal Highness, but I will not accept your offer." You sarcastically smiled at him, and his smile faltered. He was pulled away by his brother.
"You should head back home, mother and father are not pleased with you at this moment." Kahmunrah groaned, before turning to you.
"I'll be waiting for you." He winked and left your stall. Ahkmenrah sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. He turned to you and tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth.
"Can I help you, your Royal Highness, Ahkmenrah?" You bowed down slightly like you were supposed to. Ahkmenrah chuckled and pointed towards one of the vases, one of the biggest ones you owned.
"I would like to buy that one, personally delivered at the palace." You nodded at him and smiled.
"Anything else?"
"I want it to be personally delivered by you." You blushed and looked down at the ground. Ahk put his pointer finger under your chin and made you look up at him.
"I'll see you tonight, beautiful." You nodded and he left your stall, looking back and smile at you, before returning back to his family. Something about him made you feel something you had never felt before, and you were really afraid it was love.

You walked up to the palace, carrying the large vase. You walked up the stairs, and were stopped when arriving the top.
"Y/n, you came!" Kahmunrah approached you as you were explaining to the guards why you were here.
"It's okay guys, she's with me." You shook your head, and responded to him.
"Actually, I'm here for Ahkmenrah. He bought one of my vases and wanted it personally delivered." Kahmunrah's eyes narrowed at you.
"I'll bring you towards his room, follow me." You walked past the guards, thanking them for letting you through. They smiled at you and nodded.

"If you walk in this hall, it's the second room on your right." You nodded at Kahmunrah and walked towards the hall, but Kahmunrah grabbed your arm.
"And if you're looking for someone to spend the night with, I'll be in the first room." He winked and walked away.
You rolled your eyes and walked towards the second room, knocking on the wall next to the entrance.
Ahkmenrah was standing on the balcony, as he heard your knocks, he turned around, smiling as he noticed your appearance.
"Come in." You walked into the room, putting the vase down, letting your eyes roam over all the beautiful decorations, all made of gold.
"Tell me your name." You turned to Ahk, and he was curiously looking at you.
"It's Y/n." He smiled and grabbed your hand, guiding you towards the balcony.
"Y/n, I want you to spend the night with me." He announced, as you were both looking over the village. The moonlight lighting up the village and the dessert behind it. You turned to Ahk with wide eyes.
"Ahkmenrah, w-why me?" You looked down at the ground, kinda disappointed you were just gonna be a hook-up.
"I think you're the most beautiful girl of Egypt, and I lo-" he cut himself off and cleared his throat.
"I want you to spend the night with me, so I can show you my love." You smiled at him, grabbing his hands, looking down at them.
He cupped your cheeks with his hands, and connected your lips together. You melted into the kiss, as you parted your lips. You fought for dominance, as Ahkmenrah guided you towards his bed.
"I t-think I love you too, Ahk."

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