Coming Back

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 'Y/N is coming back today' were the first words Larry heard when he started his shift. It came from mouth of young egyptian pharaoh.

'Yes. I'm actually going to take her from airport.' Larry said looking for his car keys.'I mean if it's all right and you will take care of yourself. She said she can take a taxi. It's going to take more time but...'

'No!' Ahk shouted and when Larry looked at him surprised he cleared his throat 'I mean don't have to stay.Yes. We'll manage. And I've heard taxis are expensive. And the weather? H-have you seen it? No you can go and bring her here.' pharaoh said quickly. Larry exchanged amused look with Teddy.

'Ok. So I'm going. Behave you all.' Larry smiled and walked out the door.


You waited on the airport after you had got a call from Larry to stay there because he is on his way. You'd spent last 2 months in Egypt because of your university. You studied archeology and when you had got an offer to go to Egypt you agreed. It had always been your dream.

But even though you were happy you had missed museum where you worked as an intern. You missed its magic in metaphorical and literal way. And you missed your friends who came to live every night. One especially. But you would never admit it out loud. There was no way that this particular someone could reciprocate your feelings.

You tucked your hands deeper in your hoodie when you heard someone calling your name. You turned around and saw the familiar night guard uniform which belonged to your friend. You stood up and hugged him. 'Larry!' you laughed when he almost crushed you in his arms.

'Y/N! Long time no seen! Did you get taller kiddo?' he teased

'No you only got shorter old man.' you laughed reaching for your suitcase but before you could Larry had a hold on it.

'Ladies first.' he smiled opening front door to his car.

'Did you miss us?' he asked starting the vehicle.

'Horribly. Egypt is marvellous and the most beautiful place I've ever visited but is lacking something'

'Oh I even know what' he smirked 'One particular pharaoh.'

'W-w-what? Nooo... I meant....I don't know what you are talking about.' Larry bursted out laughing when he heard your weak excuse.


Ahkmenrah was pacing around. You're going to be here any minute. He hadn't seen you in person in months. Photos and short videos you had sent even phone calls to Larry who had played it out loud hadn't been enough.

He missed you. During nights he was a human and the last 2 months seemed to be consumed by him wishing you were here. As a friend he thought bitterly. He was oh so happy to have you as his friends. You understood him better than anyone. But he wanted more. However, he also knew there was no way that this could ever happen though he would give everything for that. He knew you're never going to love someone who is a person only at nights and who will never grow old with you or even spend whole day with you. And he knew you deserved that. But heart wants what it wants.

Ahk's gaze was locked on the front door. He nervously played with parts of his cloak. But then he heard something crashing in the nearest corridor. He cursed in Egyptian and moved in the direction of the sound. He had promised Larry to take care of the museum. He turned around the corner and saw that one of the vases was in pieces on the floor. Next to it stood Dexter. Ahk sighed and looked at the damage. Thankfully it was only a decoration. Just then he heard it.

'Y/N's home!' Larry shouted. Ahk's heart skipped a bit and a small smile formed on his lips. He started running into the main room.

He saw you then being surrounded by your friends. You still had the same smile and sparkle in your eyes. You looked a little bit thiner, probably from hard work and not enough time for yourself, but still beautiful.

You just stopped hugging Sacagawea and your eyes wandered around the room looking for him. Then you sppoted his golden robe and huge smile blossomed on your face. You started running into his arms.

Ahk hugged you with force. You were finally here. He had known he had missed you very much but right now when he finally had you in his arms he realised just how much. He smelled so familiar and comforting smell of your perfume.

'I'm here.' you whispered. You missed Ahk and spending time in his homeland and learning about his history made it even harder.

He looked at you giving you a smile you mirrored. You staied in each others arms until you heard someone clearing throat.

'So do you fellows need some private time?' Jedediah's voice was heard in the room.

You both looked at each other embarassed and quickly let go. But your smiles and shy glances were still there.

Larry looked at you and wondered, like anyone who actually had spent some time with you two, how long is going to take you to finally admit the thing everyone knows about you. That you two are utterly and hopelessly in love with each other.

Author: imagine-upon-a-star

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