Cryptic Heart

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Water gently dribbled from the corners of Ahkmenrah's mouth as you gently tilted the bowl upward. You stopped the offered you garb to wipe the corners of his mouth but he shook his head and casually waved you away.

His hand knocked the bowl from your hands and shattered to the floor; as you were trained to, you began to apologize profusely as you picked pieces of the dish from the ground.

Ahkmenrah stood up where you picked small pieces of clay from the ground, his guards surrounded you in his aid but he waved them away.

He offered his hand to you, you double taked from your duties to the prince, then kindly took it.

"What is your name?" He asked as you rose to your feet.

You bowed as you were always commanded to and muttered your name to the floor; Ahkmenrah laughed at you and shook your hand to get you to stop your trained bow.

"(Y/N), please..." He smiled as you rose to your feet again, "What is of your training is not for me. It is for my father, I do not care for it."

You offered a ginger smile to him then went back to your default face and looked to the ground, "I'm sorry, Prince. It's wrong of me to not follow orders."

He gripped your chin and pulled your look to him, "It is Ahkmenrah...and the order I shall ask you to follow is to meet me under the cloak of night."

You began to stutter but he silenced you with a peck to your lips, "I will not take no for an answer, (Y/N)."

You agreed, "Yes si- Yes, Ahkmenrah."

Shrouded in a burlap hood and your rags, you stood in the moonlight outside of the palace. A hooded figure tiptoed away from the front entrance towards you; Ahkmenrah looked around to make sure no one was watching, then flipped away his hood and smiled at you.

Before you could even say 'hello' he took you in a kiss and pulled your hood down to run his fingers through your hair.

"I have wanted to do that for a while." He whispered as his forehead leaned against yours, "You are beautiful."

You wanted to shake your head but he took you in another kiss, then broke away; your whim bended to his gentle touch and supple kiss. He led you away from the palace and followed the moonlight to the river.

Beams of pale light danced across his face as he stared at the water in amazement. His eyes gleamed with the waves of the crystal river as they beckoned him to come in.

You turned away as he stripped from his garb then waded into the water; he grabbed at your hand and you fell into the water after him, fully clothed.

As you spazzed in the currents, Ahkmenrah floated against the water as if he were a god. The midnight sun bathed his skin in milk and he let out a thunderous laugh to the star speckled sky.

"I have never felt so free!" He smiled as he swam towards you, "You have set me free."

He leaned towards you for another kiss but was stopped by a handful of guards standing at the river bank, holding torches. His father parted between them and ordered the two of you out.

Ahkmenrah continued to be chastised by his father as you stood, between two guards, as they held your arms.

"You are a prince. You do not mingle around with...with peasants!" Merenkahre gripped at your jaw then forcefully turned you away, "Dirty!"

Ahkmenrah ran to your aid, he put his hands to your cheeks and offered a gentle kiss to your forehead, "Father, I love her..."

Merenkahre scoffed, "Love. You do not understand what you're saying."

"I do." Ahkmenrah stood before you, "I love her, father. I would rather die with her than without her."

His father shook his head at his son, then finally sighed and waved at his guards to let you go. You fell to all fours then Ahkmenrah helped you to your feet.

Merenkahre watched as his son brushed your cheek, then brought you into a kiss and finally a hug, "You care for this girl?"

He nodded, "With my heart, sir."

Author: ignoredthecall-causeyougrewup

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