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"Thanks again for coming at such short notice, Y/N," Larry handed you a few bills as you packed up your bag.

"It's no problem, Mr. Daley."

"What did I say about you calling me Mr. Daley?"

"I know I know," You laughed. "I guess old habits die hard."

"Well, you'll have to work on that. Night, Y/N."

"Goodnight!" You made it a few steps down the hall before Larry opened the door again.

"Oh, one more thing?" You turned around. "Would you mind looking after Nicky again tomorrow?"

"Sure thing!"

"Great, thanks! You'll have to pick him up from school, and you can just take him to the museum if you want." You grinned to yourself. You had been having weird dreams lately, and they were leading to an increasing interest in the Egyptology section of the museum.

"Sure, I'll see you tomorrow!" Larry closed the door.

"So is she going to stay after closing this time?" Nicky asked.

"We'll see, kiddo," Larry ruffled Nicky's hair.

"Let's hope so, Ahk isn't shutting up about 'the girl'." Nicky surrounded the last two words with air quotes. "It's Y/N, right?"

"Sure sounds like it," Larry said. "But we won't know for sure until they actually meet. Now," Larry turned Nicky towards his room. "It's late, and you have school tomorrow."

"Night, dad!"

"Night, Nicky."


"You're not going to catch me!" You shouted over your shoulder as you ran through the garden. You heard laughter behind you as you continued to run. You almost made it to the front doors of the palace, but you were stopped by an arm wrapping around your waist. You let out a shriek as your feet lifted off the ground and were spun around. When you were put down, you grasped onto his arm to keep your balance.

"Caught you again," A warm voice murmured in your ear as both arms wrapped around your waist. You smiled and turned around, wrapping your arms around his neck. He smiled down at you with kind brown eyes, before lowering his mouth to yours. When he pulled away, he opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a loud beeping noise.


You were rudely awoken by your alarm clock, which was beeping obnoxiously. With a groan, you slammed your pillow over your face before reaching out and smacking the snooze button. You laid there for a few minutes before getting up and going through your morning routine. After checking your appearance in the mirror, you grabbed your keys and went out to get some errands done before you had to pick up Nicky.


"Over here, Nicky!" You shouted from your car. He looked around until his gaze landed on your car, and he weaved through the crowds, hopping into the front seat. "Got everything?" He nodded, and you pulled away from the curb and began to drive towards the museum. When you got there, Nicky bounded up the steps as you pulled some homework from your college courses. If I'm going to be here for a while, might as well catch up on some work.

"Hey, Y/N," Larry greeted you as you passed the front desk.

"Hi," You replied. "Do you mind if I get some work done while we're here?

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