Too Dangerous

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"Open! Open this door right now!" You were currently huddled with all of the others exhibits in a large shipping crate. Attila and some of the civil war mannequins were grasping onto the door, desperately trying to keep it closed. You were confused and terrified at the same time. Why did you wake up? You wouldn't have woken up unless the Tablet...

"Oh my God." You breathed. Sacagawea looked at you, never moving her bow from where it was aimed.


"Someone brought the Tablet," You whispered. You felt a tug on the hem of your clothing. You looked down to see Dexter. The Tablet was clutched in his tiny hands. "Dexter!" You gasped, picking him up and setting him down on the smaller box in front of you. "Why would you bring the Tablet? It's not supposed to be here!" He screeched loudly, the sound echoing off the walls. Attila shouted something, but as usual, you couldn't understand. You looked through the crack and saw Egyptian soldiers. That wasn't what interested you most. What you instantly noticed was that there was a gap between them. You thought to yourself. If I can get out, I can distract them long enough for everyone else. You knew it was a long shot, but you didn't have any other options. Pushing your way to the front of the crate, you looked out at the soldiers. You gently put your hands on the doors. Before anyone could stop you, you shot out of the crate and started running. You heard shouts behind you, which only pushed you to run faster. You felt your muscles begin to slowly freeze up. Your head snapped up to see sunlight filtering through the warehouse windows. You tried to turn around, and you saw that the soldiers were already frozen. You breathed a sigh of relief, and managed to hide yourself around a corner just as you froze. Everything went black as you waited for dusk. After what felt like a few seconds but was really at least eight hours, you unfroze. The last night's events returned to you in a flood of memories. You cautiously peeked around the corner you had ducked behind the evening before. The soldiers were gone. You felt your throat tighten in fear. You had to help your friends. You quietly crept back to where the crate sat. What you saw confused you even more: Larry, holding onto the Tablet, was surrounded by the soldiers. One of the Egyptians was talking to him, but even though his back was to you, you were able to tell from the way he dressed that he had a different rank than the soldiers. He was their leader, perhaps? You crouched down and tried to listen in on what they were saying. Before you could try and inch closer, someone's hand clamped down on your mouth, stifling your scream. You were pulled away from the edge and pressed against the crates that lined the shelves. You shakily lifted your gaze to your attacker.

"Shh," Ahkmenrah whispered. "I need you to be quiet, okay Y/N?" You nodded, and he removed his hand from your face before pulling you into a crushing embrace. "Thank the gods you're alright." He murmured as you hugged him back. He was the first to pull back. Quietly getting up, he took your spot at the edge of the aisle of crates and peered around the corner. He cursed in Egyptian.

"What?" You asked him, coming up to look over his shoulder.

"My brother," His voice was a low growl. "He's trying to take the Tablet." You breathed in sharply. "I have to stop him."

"We have to stop him." You corrected him. He turned to you.

"No, not we. It's too dangerous, Y/N. I'm not risking your safety." He said firmly.

"Ahk. You and I both know that either way, we're both getting dragged into this." He looked around, probably trying to come up with a good argument, but failing. "So, you can let me help, or you can stand by and watch me help anyway." He looked down in defeat.

"Fine. But you're not leaving my side." He turned to face you and wrapped his arms around your waist

"Deal." You looked over his shoulder and quietly gasped. "Ahk," You said, staring over his shoulder.

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