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"That will be all," You said to your handmaiden as she finished pinning up your hair.

"Yes, My Lady." She bowed to you and left the room. As soon as she was gone, you stood up and rushed to the window, searching for any sign of your husband-to-be's caravan. Ahkmenrah had gone on a goodwill trip two weeks ago and he should've been home four days ago. Maybe you should've gone with him. Maybe you should've asked him to stay. Maybe-

You were snapped out of your worrying by footsteps approaching. You turned just in time to see Kahmunrah approach. "Hello, Y/N." He purred. You dropped into a hasty bow.

"My Lord." You answered stiffly. Ever since Ahkmenrah had left, Kahmunrah had been more open about his advances. While you had tried to be as polite as possible, he was starting to wear down your last nerve. Seeming to pass off your hostility as stress release, he smiled.

"Please try not to worry about him too much, Y/N. I'm sure he's perfectly fine." There was something odd about the way he said 'perfectly fine', but you decided not to dwell on it.

"I hope you're right," You sighed, turning back to the window. As you gazed across the golden landscape, a sweaty palm gripped your shoulder. You grimaced.

"He would not want you to hole up in your chambers all day Y/N. How about we head out on a ride to take your mind off of things? Just you and I." With a tight smile, you pushed his hand away and stepped out of his reach.

"Thank you, but I think I'll head down to the gardens instead. It's much cooler there." You began to walk towards the door.

"I shall accompany you then!" You huffed to yourself. This man just didn't know when to quit! Just as you turned around to protest, you heard a horn blare. Your stomach fluttered with excitement. He was back! Without another word to Kahmunrah, you turned and ran to the courtyard to meet Ahkmenrah. You turned the corner leading to the courtyard and crashed into something hard. You fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

"Y/N! Are you alright?" Ahkmenrah asked as he knelt beside you. You didn't answer, and instead shot forward and wrapped your arms around his chest.

"I missed you," You mumbled into his breastplate. He sighed, and wrapped his arms around you too.

"I missed you too." He told you.

"Why were you late?" You asked. "I-I thought something happened. I've been so worried..."

"I know, and I'm sorry." He rubbed your back comfortingly. "Yafeu miscalculated our course. We just took the long route home." You nodded into his chest. "Thank you for waiting for me," He said after a moment of silence. You laughed into his chest.

"I'll always wait for you, Ahk." He smiled into your hair, and pulled you closer.


"What do you mean it didn't work?!" Kahmunrah screamed at the slave. Yafeu cowered in fear of Kahmunrah's wrath. "You told me there would be no survivors!"

"I know My Lord!" Yafeu cried. "It should have work but His Highness... He figured it out! He knew it wasn't the way home and ordered to return!" Kahmunrah growled in anger. "H-He would have killed us, My Lord!"

"Did you actually believe him? He wouldn't hurt a fly! You have failed me!" Yafeu begged for another chance, but it was too late. "Take him away." As a pair of guards hauled a screaming Yafeu to the dungeons, Kahmunrah stalked towards a small table and picked up a vial filled with green liquid. Swirling the liquid inside the bottle, he growled to himself, "I guess I'll have to do it myself."

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