Chapter 1: Another Day At The Office

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Avery's POV:

City of Atlanta, Georgia 2017

"Hey Avery, are you planning on joining us for the company's annual masquerade ball this year?" My closest friends, Emily and Brendan, simultaneously inquired.

"I'll do my best to make it, but I can't make any promises. You know how unpredictable life can be," I responded, fully aware that attending the ball was not in my plans.

"You don't really have a choice this time," Emily confidently declared.

"What makes you think I don't have a say in whether I attend the ball or not?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Because the invitation clearly states that all employees are required to be present!" Brendan exclaimed, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"What invitation are you even talking about?" I asked, my voice growing more intense with each word.

Emily slyly slipped an envelope into my outstretched hand. "The one I'm handing you right now," she said, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

As I read the date of the ball, it hit me like a neon sign flashing in the darkness. "Damn it, Emily, is the masquerade ball happening today?" I asked, already sensing the answer.

"Indeed it is," she replied, a playful smirk dancing on her lips.

"When did you receive this invitation, and who gave it to you?" I demanded, my frustration bubbling up.

"I got it last Thursday from Mr. Choi," she said, that infuriating smirk still present.

"Let me guess, you conveniently 'forgot' to give me mine until this very moment," I stated, rolling my eyes at her.

"No, it wasn't forgetfulness. Brendan and I just knew you'd come up with an excuse if we gave you the invitation in advance. Now you can't escape it," Emily retorted, her tone laced with a hint of ruefulness.

"So you two conspired to dictate my weekend plans for your own selfish desires, huh?" I grumbled, feeling a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"We're not doing this solely for your benefit, Avery," Brendan defended, then added, "Don't you think it's about time you let loose and have some fun for a change?"

"I have plenty of fun," I muttered under my breath.

"If you consider lounging in your Nancy Drew pajamas, binge-watching old episodes of Criminal Minds, and devouring a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream as fun, then you clearly need a new definition," Emily sarcastically retorted.

"Am I expected to attend the ball as my true self?" I asked, shooting Emily a disapproving glare.

"Hell no! We see that side of you all year long," they both chimed in simultaneously.

"What's wrong with the way I am?" I questioned, gesturing towards my appearance.

"Absolutely nothing," Brendan quickly responded, avoiding eye contact with me.

"We're tired of the schoolgirl look," Emily remarked, her nose slightly upturned. She then blurted out, "We want to see you embrace a more daring style for once."

"Avery, we simply want to go out and have a great time with our best friend," Brendan pleaded, his voice filled with sincerity.

"I suppose I don't have much of a choice now, considering you've conveniently waited until the last minute to give me the invitation," I sneered. "Just know that you're both stuck with helping me find the perfect outfit for this ball."

"Oh, we don't mind at all. We'll help you find a show-stopping ensemble," Emily and Brendan replied in unison, exchanging a triumphant fist bump.

Just as Brendan, Emily, and I were about to step into the elevator, our boss, Mr. Reese Choi called out, "Avery, I trust I'll see you at the ball tonight, won't I?"

"Yes, Mr. Choi, I'll be there," I replied.

"Please assure me that you won't be wearing anything remotely similar to your current attire," Reese pleaded, his face contorting with displeasure.

I pondered to myself, perplexed by the sudden disapproval towards my clothing choices. "Why is everyone suddenly bothered by what I wear?" I wondered.

"Believe me, Sir, her appearance at the ball tonight will be far from what you see now." Brendan interjected before I could respond.

I shielded my face with my hands, seeking solace as I stepped into the elevator. Deep within, I silently pleaded that fate would spare me the company of others. Alas, my hopes were dashed as not only my friends joined me, but Mr. Choi as well. It seemed as though the universe reveled in my discomfort, as all eyes fixated on me, fueling my self-consciousness. If a chasm had opened up before me, I would have willingly leaped into its depths. Hastily, I bolted out of the elevator upon its arrival, only to be met with Emily and Brendan's cries of, "Avery, wait for us."

"Thanks a lot, guys, for your unwavering support," I muttered sarcastically, my voice tinged with frustration. "And pray tell, when did you both become such close confidants with Mr. Choi, discussing me so freely?"

"We're not exactly buddies with him, Avery," Brendan replied.

"Well, you certainly had me fooled back there," I snorted.

"I suppose Mr. Choi is just tired of seeing you dressed in those nerdy outfits. He wants to uncover what you're hiding beneath those frumpy clothes," Emily exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

"Emily, you're out of your mind if you think Mr. Choi has any interest in me. And let me be clear, I'm not interested in him either," I tried to assert convincingly.

"You must be delusional if you think Reese isn't a desirable bachelor that any woman in her right mind would be eager to pursue," Emily retorted, her lips curling in a smile.

"Emily, I never said he wasn't attractive. I can see perfectly well that he's a handsome man. What I'm saying is that he's not the man I envision myself settling down with."

"I'm not sure what the two of you are discussing back there, but it's time for us to leave. You're aware that I despise being late to anything," Brendan remarks as he settles into the rear seat of my vehicle.

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