Chapter 58: Hanging On

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Reese's POV...

Three weeks later... at Avery's parents' house...

Being in the Johnson household brought about a significant yet delightful change in my routine. The burden of finding suitable caretakers for Alexa and Asher was lifted off my shoulders since I was always present. Mr. Johnson graciously arranged a dedicated workspace for me in his former office, allowing me to work diligently from home without the worry of being separated from my family. Whenever important meetings arose, Mom and Mr. Alabaster's son Nicholas Jr. willingly stepped in to represent me.

From this point forward, I adamantly refuse to willingly part from Avery and our children, especially considering her current condition. Frankly speaking, I had no desire to involve myself in anything my father was associated with, but everyone managed to convince me otherwise.

Flashback Started...

As I made my way downstairs from the confines of the room I shared with Avery and the twins, I was met with a scene that stopped me in my tracks. The large living room was filled with people, their gazes fixed directly on me. It felt as though I had stumbled upon a gathering, perhaps a funeral that I had unknowingly missed.

My mom, noticing my bewildered expression, approached me and reached out to touch the side of my face. "What on earth happened to your face, my boy?" she asked, concern etched on her face. "You look like a caveman."

Before I could respond, Kyane, unable to contain his amusement, blurted out, "Mom, that's nothing new. He's always looked like that!" He promptly gave Tyler a high five, their laughter filling the room.

The whole room erupted into a chorus of laughter, even Mr. and Mrs. Johnson joining in on the innocent jesting. Amidst the laughter, Mr. Johnson chimed in, "Son, if my daughter were to wake up to a face like yours, she'd be scarred for life."

Mrs. Johnson added her own remark, her voice filled with playful concern, "You've probably already frightened my poor grandbabies half to death."

In that moment, surrounded by laughter and light-hearted banter, I couldn't help but join in, realizing that sometimes even the most unexpected situations can bring people together in unexpected ways.

"What intelligent woman, in her right mind, would willingly choose to wake up next to a man with an unruly mess of hair?" my mother exclaimed, her eyes scanning the exquisitely adorned room.


"Don't 'mum' me. Immediately go upstairs and clean yourself up before I give you a good spanking." she scolds me. "Don't make me embarrass myself in front of all these people. You know very well that I won't hesitate to set you straight on the importance of personal hygiene," my mother declared, her gaze unwavering.

I didn't take my mother's words to heart because I understood that she spoke out of love. Anxiously glancing at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, I was horrified by what I saw. I truly resembled a wild caveman, and even worse, I had begun to emit an unpleasant odor as one too.

After tidying myself up, I strolled into the vast dining room. This grand dining space made my old house's room feel suffocating in comparison. Adorning the wall was a colossal family portrait, of the four of them alongside. Pure bliss radiated from their beaming faces.

In the center of the expansive room stood a mammoth oval oak dining table, capable of accommodating ten or more individuals. Suspended above the table was a breathtaking crystal chandelier, its vibrant lights casting a magical glow that transformed the entire room into a fairytale setting. The walls boasted a soft rose hue, adorned with white borders and majestic oak wood trimmings that perfectly complemented the glossy white marbled floors. Taking center stage on the table was an eccentric centerpiece, featuring a glistening vase shaped like a blooming rose, brimming with a vibrant assortment of multicolored roses.

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