Chapter 11: Aroused

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Avery's POV:

As I sank into the comfort of my couch, my mind raced with confusion and frustration over the recent encounter with Reese. Replaying the events of the day over and over, I desperately tried to pinpoint the exact moment I had unknowingly angered him. The fear of having done something to upset him gnawed at me, and a dreadful thought crossed my mind - what if he had discovered that I was the one he had slept with last night?

Anxiety gripped me, but gradually, a sense of reassurance washed over me as I glanced at my reflection across the room. There was no way he could have recognized me. The person staring back at me now was a far cry from the confident and bold version of myself I had portrayed the night before. Thanks to Emily and Brendan, I had undergone a transformation that made me virtually unrecognizable.

Shaking off my insecurities and self-doubt, I made a conscious effort to pull myself together. I set my alarm clock for an earlier time than usual, 5:15 a.m., determined to get a head start on packing all the essential items for my upcoming trip.

Reaching for my journal on the nightstand, I eagerly began to pen down the incredible events of what had turned out to be the best day of my life. If someone had told me that Reese would be the one to take my virginity, I would have scoffed and dismissed it as an absurd joke. It seemed as likely as pigs sprouting wings and soaring through the sky. But here I was, capturing the details of this unexpected turn of events in my journal.

As I finished writing, my cell phone interrupted the tranquility of the moment. Without bothering to check the caller ID, I answered with a hint of annoyance, "What do you want, Emily?"

"Girl, don't even try to play dumb with me," Emily's voice squealed with excitement on the other end of the line.

A playful smile tugged at my lips as I responded, "Oh, you want to know if I'm ready to strangle you with my own two hands for what you did earlier today?"

"Nah," Emily's excitement was palpable, "I want to know what happened between you and Reese this morning after I left."

Rolling my eyes, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance resurface. "Absolutely nothing, Emily. Why must your mind always wander into the gutter?" I asked, exasperated.

"Avery, stop lying! I could practically feel the intense chemistry between you two. It was so palpable, you could cut it with a knife," Emily's voice persisted through the phone. I could almost envision her rolling her eyes dramatically as she spoke.

Taking a deep breath, I continued to fabricate my response. "Nothing happened between Reese and me after you left, Emily. We just stood there, feeling awkward because of your big mouth," I lied, unwilling to divulge the explicit and passionate moments that had transpired between Reese and me just a few hours ago.

"Fine, Avery. We'll talk about this tomorrow," Emily's voice held a hint of frustration. Before she could say anything else, I abruptly ended the call, not giving her a chance to respond. I settled into my bed, memories of the intense moments with Reese flooding my mind. Exhaustion washed over me, and I succumbed to sleep, my thoughts consumed by the events of the past few hours.

Reese POV:

I wake up in the middle of the night, my body covered in perspiration, my mind still lingering in the aftermath of a vivid dream about Avery. It puzzles me, as I struggle to comprehend why I have suddenly become so captivated and infatuated with her. Admittedly, Avery possesses an undeniable beauty, but throughout all the years she has been my secretary, I have never felt even a hint of attraction towards her.

Avery doesn't fit the mold of the women I am typically drawn to. She exudes a conservative aura that clashes with my preferences. Her attire, resembling that of a stereotypical nerd, with those thick glasses reminiscent of Steve Urkel, only adds to the barrier she erects, preventing anyone from getting close to her.

As I lay in bed, gazing up at the ceiling, a stubborn determination took hold of me. I was convinced that I could coax Avery into loosening up, if only she would shed her unwavering stubbornness. Memories of the recent ball danced through my mind, as I tried to recall if I had spotted anyone who even remotely resembled Avery. A resounding "heck no" escaped my lips as I recollected the provocative attire worn by the women at the event. None of them could compare to Avery's unique sense of style.

Frustration welled up within me as I thought about Avery's refusal to attend the mandatory company gathering. "Dammit, she knows perfectly well that it's required," I grumbled angrily to myself.

Emily's words echoed in my mind, fueling my anger. Visions of Avery lying in bed with some undeserving jerk, his hands exploring her body, invaded my thoughts. Suddenly, my desire to intimately explore Avery's body surged, growing more intense with each passing moment of anger.

"What on earth is happening to me?" I muttered, my hands covering my face as I sat on the edge of the bed. The turmoil within my mind and body left me questioning how I would manage the upcoming trip this week.

In a sudden burst of determination, I leaped from the bed and hurried into the opulent bathroom. Without hesitation, I stepped into the shower, turning the faucet to its maximum, unleashing a torrent of icy water. Standing beneath the chilling cascade, I hoped to drown out the chaotic thoughts that plagued me. I desperately sought to pacify my unruly hormones, but inexplicably, my efforts proved futile. Instead, the figures of Avery and my enigmatic fantasy woman merged within my daydreams, asserting themselves with an aggressive intensity.

My grip tightened around my throbbing dick, and I fervently stroked it as the cacophony of Avery's and my enigmatic lover's cries reverberated around me. The intensity of my climax surged through me, overwhelming in its potency, as if their presence transcended the physical, reaching deep into my mind and soul. Drained from the sheer force of my release, I collapsed, feeling as though I had engaged in passionate lovemaking throughout the entire night.

Seeking respite, I nestled back into the comforting embrace of the plush covers, yearning for a few more hours of slumber before meeting up with Avery at the office, before our upcoming journey.

Sorry for the short chapter and I thank everyone for voting and commenting, It means so much to me for all your support. Thanks again.

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