Chapter 13: Frustrated

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Thank you, everyone, again for choosing to read my book. I hope that you enjoy and please vote and comment.

I've added a couple of new characters, so let me know what you think so far. I'll be back Friday with another update. Until then stay safe.

Reese POV:

Anxiety consumed me as I sat uncomfortably at the rear of my private jet, my clenched fist betraying my inner turmoil. The urge to strike someone in the face coursed through my veins, and if given the choice, that jerk Avery spent Friday night with would be the unfortunate recipient.

Ever since leaving the office, this unease has plagued me, rendering any attempt at conversation with Avery futile. The fear of erupting in anger if I were to open my mouth loomed over me. I must regain control of myself swiftly, lest I succumb to foolish actions.

Observing Avery struggle with her luggage as she boarded the plane, a sheepish thought crossed my mind. "Perhaps she should summon her worthless boyfriend to aid her with the bags," I mused silently. I am aware of my childish behavior, but at this moment, I couldn't care less. My anger towards her seems boundless as of late.

What on earth makes her so incredibly significant to me? How does she effortlessly command such attention from me without even uttering a request?

Eager to create some distance between Avery and myself, I anxiously awaited the moment I could escape this wretched plane. As soon as we touched down, I swiftly disembarked, ensuring to retrieve Avery's luggage from the overhead compartment. Once outside, I powered on my phone and dialed my mom's number, relieved to inform her of my safe arrival.

"Honey, how long will you remain upset with your father?" Mom inquired as soon as she picked up. "You know forgiveness will eventually find its way to you, Reese."

"Not this time! Dad has gone too far, commanding me to marry Hye-jin as if I'm his mere puppet. I refuse to enter a marriage solely for his public image, Mom, regardless of any benefits it may bring to our company," I responded, attempting to maintain a semblance of calm.

"I understand your perspective, son, but I must warn you," Mom said wearily.

"What has he done now?" I asked, growing uneasy at the brief pause before her reply.

"Your father will be joining you on your trip, accompanied by Hye-jin and Kyane," Mom replied softly.

"Fuck! Just what I needed – more stress piled on top of everything I'm already dealing with," I snapped, frustration seeping into my voice.

"Mind your language, young man," scolded my mom from the other end of the line.

"Sorry, Mom," I apologized, unable to suppress a chuckle as I imagined her disapproving expression. "Thanks for the heads up, though," I added, just as Avery approached me with an irritated look on her face.

"Couldn't you have at least pretended to be a gentleman for a little while?" Avery demanded, hands planted firmly on her hips.

"I'll call you back later, Mom," I quickly said, my attention now fully on Avery. "Wasn't I gentleman enough when I took your bag down for you before we left the plane?" I retorted. "What more did you want, Avery? Oh, I see, You wanted me to carry them for you too!"

"Never mind, you're just a spoiled brat with no manners, thanks to your parents!" Avery exclaimed, storming off towards the trunk of my baby blue Jaguar to load her belongings.

I stood there, a smug grin spreading across my face, satisfied that I had successfully provoked her. But as I observed her biting her bottom lip, growing angrier by the second, something within me shifted. A strange sensation stirred in the depths of my being, as I couldn't help but notice the allure of her fiery temperament. My body responded, a familiar heat and throbbing returning. I found myself yearning to trace the outline of her lips with my fingers, aching to taste their sweetness. These intense, lustful thoughts momentarily made me consider that perhaps having Hye-jin join us wasn't such a terrible idea after all.

 As I made my way around to the passenger side, I accidentally brushed against Avery, and it felt as though an electric current surged through my body. Afraid of what I might discover or not discover in her eyes, I kept my gaze fixed downwards, refusing to meet hers.

Swiftly opening the passenger side door, I walked away before she could utter a word. The journey to the hotel felt interminable, even longer than the plane ride. I observed her face gradually lighting up with excitement as we neared our destination.

"Wow, this place is stunning!" Avery exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm.

"It truly is," I replied, unable to ignore how her beauty surpassed anything or anyone I had ever encountered. "Why am I only noticing this now?" I questioned myself, feeling an inexplicable sense of familiarity with her, despite knowing deep down that it couldn't be possible.

I briskly made my way to the trunk of my car, grabbing our bags, with Avery following closely behind. As we approached the check-in counter, I noticed a tall, curly-haired Latina named Sofia standing there, her smile radiating warmth toward me.

"Welcome to Hotel Atlantis," she greeted me cheerfully, but her demeanor drastically changed toward Avery. She didn't even acknowledge her presence.

"How may we assist you?" a thin, wiry man standing beside Sofia chimed in. A wide grin stretched across his face as his gaze fixated on Avery. Acting swiftly, I positioned myself in front of her, blocking his direct line of sight to my companion. He shot me a menacing glare before quickly recovering with a forced smile.

"We have reservations for two under the name of Reese Choi," I stated eagerly, emphasizing the word "we" to make it clear that any funny business would not be tolerated.

"Mr. Choi, your room numbers are 309 and 308," he said, his tone laced with hostility, ensuring to emphasize the word "numbers" as he flashed me a wicked smile.

Taking the keys from his hand, I guided Avery towards the elevator, leaving Sofia and her coworker staring after us.

"What was all that about?" Avery questioned, her voice filled with confusion as the elevator doors closed.

"I honestly have no idea what you're referring to," I replied, pretending to be oblivious.

"Sure, play dumb," she retorted skeptically, stepping out of the elevator cautiously and making her way toward room 308.

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