Chapter 52: Walking Into The Lions Den

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Avery's POV

Standing at the mouth of the lion's den waiting to be devoured...

Standing before the imposing entrance of the lion's den, my palms instantly became drenched in a torrent of sweat. It was as if they had taken an unexpected plunge into a bucket of water. The perspiration was that intense. However, my anxiety began to dissipate as Reese's warm and tender hands enveloped mine.

As I gazed into Reese's eyes, a sense of calm washed over me, amplified by his comforting smile and the gentle caress of my knuckles. Just as he was about to reach for the door handle, it swung open with a resounding swoosh. On the other side stood a remarkably attractive individual, adorned with a captivating smile. Reese and this mysterious man exchanged an affectionate and tender embrace, captivating my attention.

The two were like contrasting forces of nature. Reese perpetually wore a brooding scowl, while this newcomer had not ceased to smile since opening the door. With grace and charm, he guided us into a grand and opulent living room.

"Who might this enchanting lady be?" he inquired, his eyes fixed on Reese.

Pride resonated in Reese's voice as he introduced me, "This is Avery."

"Well, it's finally time for me to meet the remarkable woman who has successfully melted my younger brother's icy and calculating heart!" Kyane exclaimed, playfully winking at me. My heart fluttered with excitement as I listened to Kyane openly discuss Reese's feelings for me.

"I hope you two are famished because our mom has literally cooked up a storm in this house!" Kyane chuckled heartily.

At the mere mention of food, my unborn baby began to kick vigorously, and my stomach emitted a loud rumbling noise. I felt utterly embarrassed, attempting to hide behind Reese until a small, warm hand reached out and clasped mine.

"Hello there, handsome," I said dreamily, gazing down at the adorable little boy. He had charming dimples on each side of his expressive face, and his smile radiated pure joy as he eagerly reached out both of his tiny arms toward me.

I leaned down to scoop him up, but Reese beat me to it, effortlessly lifting him off the ground and placing him in my embrace. Instantly, my heart tumbled headlong into affection as he toyed with a stray strand of my hair using his tiny fingers. "What's your name, little charmer?" I inquired, brushing his cheek.

"Avery, this is my son Kyane Jr.," his father responded. "Come on, buddy, you're getting too heavy for Miss Avery to hold," he added, gently taking the adorable child from my arms. Kyane Jr. fought with all his might to stay in my embrace, but his father eventually managed to pry his slender arms away from my neck.

"Well, it seems someone else recognizes the beauty in front of them," Reese whispered in my ear, guiding me forward with a tender pull.

"Mommy your favorite..."

"As Reese and I step into the most breathtaking kitchen I've ever laid eyes on, I overhear their mother's stern warning directed at his brother. "Kyane Daxon Choi, If you dare complete that statement, rest assured it will be the final one you ever utter in this lifetime. It pains me to even fathom the thought of turning my new daughter-in-law into a widow at such a tender age, but I won't hesitate to do so," her words echo through the room.

Stretching across the entire length of the wall, an immaculate cabinet in pristine white commanded attention, flanked by grand floor-to-ceiling windows on either side. Its elegance was further accentuated by the opulence of gold handles adorning both the upper and lower sections. Nestled in the heart of the kitchen stood a colossal white island, crowned with a resplendent marble countertop in a regal shade of gold. Discreetly positioned around this culinary centerpiece were stools in a harmonious blend of gold and white.

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