Chapter 14: Landing in Negril Jamaica

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I apologize for any offensive language that may be present in this chapter. It is not my intention to offend anyone, and I appreciate all of my viewers. Please understand that the use of certain words in this chapter is for storytelling purposes only.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I kindly ask for your votes and comments.

I will be updating again tomorrow to make up for the shorter length of this chapter. I had to split it to include Avery's point of view. Until then, stay safe.

Please see the image above for a picture of Hotel Atlantis in Negril, Jamaica.

Please see the image above for a picture of Hotel Atlantis in Negril, Jamaica

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Reese's hotel room above.

Reese's Perspective...

Stepping into my room, I relished the opportunity to have some much-needed solitude. I craved a moment to gather my thoughts and emotions. However, the tranquility was abruptly shattered by a knock on my door. Hopeful that it might be Avery on the other side, I rushed to answer it. Disappointment washed over me as I realized it was my father standing there. Reluctantly, I stepped aside to let him in, only to be taken aback when Hye-jin followed closely behind, as if she belonged there.

In that instant, I regretted every thought I had about considering Hye-jin's presence a good idea. How could I have been so foolish to even entertain the idea of getting involved with her?

"What on earth do you think you're doing?" I demanded, just as she attempted to plant a kiss on my lips.

"I'm just doing what I've always done." I hear her reply snidely.

"You're incredibly audacious, acting as if you have the right to do whatever the hell you please with me," I sneered.

Her smile only widened. "You never seemed to have a problem with it before.

"That's because you and I were merely intimate acquaintances, seeking solace in each other's company whenever the need arose, and nothing beyond that. We both reached that understanding a while back, so don't misconstrue what transpired between us, Hye-jin," I retorted, indifferent to the potential hurt my words may inflict upon her.

"Reese, is that any way to speak to your future wife?" My dad interjected, his face filled with shock.

"I apologize for you having to hear that, Dad. I mean no disrespect, but it would take a miracle for me to ever marry Hye-jin," I stated firmly. "Furthermore, I will marry whomever I choose."

"I will leave, but Hye-jin will be staying in your room for the duration of this trip," my father declared as if he had the final say in the matter.

"Dad, why must you always challenge everything?" I sighed, realizing it was pointless to ask for an explanation. "Never mind, don't answer that. I'm tired of listening to you try to make me understand your way of thinking."

"Reese, I'm doing this for your own good," he said, his tone almost sounding sincere.

"Have you not caused enough damage already?" I retorted. "You've already driven Kyane away by pressuring him to marry a woman who cheated on him with his best friend. And now, you and this woman are working together, threatening him that he'll never see his son again if he doesn't marry her. What kind of father are you?" Sometimes I wonder what mom ever saw in you.

"Reese, you're overstepping your boundaries!" Dad snapped at me.

"Oh, really? Don't you think it's a little too late to talk about personal boundaries?" I shot back. "You've never cared about them before. If I remember correctly you've been overstepping them all my life!"I respond sarcastically.

"Boy, you better mind your words when addressing me. Consider this your final warning!" Dad's voice thundered, his pulsating veins on the verge of bursting from his neck. "And mark my words, you will wed Hye-jin, or face the consequences..."

"Listen closely, Dad. I will never, in this life or any other, bind myself to that wretched woman, no matter how many threats you hurl my way!" I declared firmly, jabbing my finger in Hye-jin's direction. "I've endured enough from both of you, and if you won't leave, then I'll be the one to make my exit," I added bitterly, storming out the door and slamming it shut with a force that reverberated through the hall.

My frustration reached its peak, completely consuming me, to the point where I failed to notice Avery standing beside me in the elevator. Desperately attempting to rein in my boiling temper, I finally glanced down and caught sight of her wearing a pair of outrageously revealing shorts that left little to the imagination.

"Where do you think you're headed?" I snapped, unintentionally voicing my thoughts aloud.

"That's none of your damn business! Just because you're my boss doesn't mean you have the right to pry into every aspect of my life," Avery retorted defiantly, her tone laced with a sharp attitude, before striding out of the elevator.

As I stepped out of the elevator, making my way towards the sun-kissed beach, a sinking feeling washed over me. Avery and my dad, together, were an unstoppable force that seemed determined to drive me to my breaking point during this trip. Their antics were slowly but surely pushing me towards the edge.

 Their antics were slowly but surely pushing me towards the edge

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