Chapter 41: New Plan

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Third-person POV

In a distant corner of the world, chaos erupted as objects soared through the air, colliding with the walls in a resounding crash.

Curses escape my lips as I realize that my meticulously crafted plans have been shattered, and the blame rests solely on my shoulders. Instead of driving a wedge between Avery and Reese, I have inadvertently become the catalyst for their deepening connection.

It feels as though I am trapped in a clichéd, over-the-top romantic movie, where the privileged, attractive youth effortlessly obtains everything they desire. Meanwhile, I am left to toil and fight tooth and nail for even the smallest semblance of what I yearn for.

I find myself suspended in a state of uncertainty, a mere spectator to the unfolding events before me. The more I strive to tear Avery and Reese apart, the tighter their bond becomes. I refuse to surrender and allow this motherfucker snatch away the one thing I desire above all else, even if it means sacrificing my own existence.

My entire world is crumbling, all because of this damn baby growing inside Avery. I've exhausted every possible solution to rid ourselves of it, but nothing has worked. Now it's too risky for Avery to have a miscarriage without endangering her own life.

How on earth am I going to remove Reese and his child from Avery's life? I pondered this question just as the doorbell rang. Without bothering to check the peephole, I swung the door open, fully aware of who awaited on the other side. Standing before me, clad in a seductive, form-fitting dress, was Sofia Rocco. At first glance, one might assume she was trying to impress me. However, I knew better than to believe that was the case.

Sofia shared the same desire as me, to wedge herself between Reese and Avery by any means necessary. It was evident from the moment she laid eyes on Reese at that hotel in Negril, Jamaica. I observed from a distance as Sofia attempted to vie for Reese's attention, only to fail miserably. Filled with rage and tears, she stormed off down the hall. The look in her eyes was chilling, and I realized she could be a valuable asset to my plan.

As Sofia sat on the loveseat across from me, her dress riding higher up her thighs as she crossed her legs, I couldn't help but notice her beauty. However, when compared to my Avery, there was no competition. I hoped Reese didn't share the same sentiment, or else all my scheming and plotting would be in vain.

As I reflected on the situation, it became clear that I had never seen Reese so captivated by a woman for such an extended period. His attention towards women typically lasted no longer than a day, except for Hye-jin. He had a habit of cycling through partners like changing underwear. The mere thought of losing Avery to someone like Reese consumed my mind.

Suddenly, my emotions took a sharp turn as I overheard Sofia insulting Avery, the woman I cherished.

"What in the world could two successful men like Reese and myself see in an ordinary, plain Jane like her? I couldn't comprehend why both of you are so infatuated with her when I'm standing right in front of you, offering myself to you," she scoffed.

As I sat there, enduring her incessant rambling about Avery, my anger surged higher and higher. Sofia had the audacity to speak as if she had any understanding of who Avery truly was. Suppressing the urge to throttle her became increasingly difficult, thanks to her repugnant language. In an attempt to regain composure, I shut my eyes tightly, envisioning a future where Sofia's lifeless body lay before me, after our intricate plan has reached its conclusion. It was the only way to refocus on what truly mattered. Sofia's words would forever be etched in my memory, and she would not escape the consequences of insulting Avery in my presence.

"Sofia, please excuse my distraction," I replied, snapping back to reality. "Tell me, Sofia, how far are you willing to go to obtain Reese?"

"No matter the cost, even if it means resorting to drugging him, I am determined to have him in my bed," she declared, a sinister glimmer in her eyes.

"Well, that's exactly what you'll have to do to win over Reese. But, Sofia, simply getting him into bed won't be enough for our plan to succeed," I responded.

"Rest assured, Sir, I know how to manipulate and obtain what I desire. You won't regret bringing me into this," she confidently assured me.

"We must begin implementing this plan immediately," I asserted firmly.

"I've already taken the first steps. I want Reese, and I will stop at nothing to have him," she declared with determination.

"We must exercise caution. We cannot afford to be reckless and jeopardize everything just because we are impatient. This may be our final opportunity to achieve our desires. If you fail to seize this golden chance, Sofia, we will lose it all."

"Rest assured, Sir, you're partnering with a true master in the art of persuasion, and right now, Reese is my ultimate desire. He will remain by my side indefinitely, unless I decide to release him!" Sofia declared arrogantly, punctuating her statement with a sinister chuckle.

I reclined on the sofa, allowing a sense of relief to wash over me upon hearing Sofia's unwavering confidence. Observing her exit my apartment, a wicked grin mirrored on her face, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of reassurance. Undoubtedly, Sofia possessed the necessary skills for the task at hand. However, I couldn't afford to leave anything to chance. A contingency plan was imperative.

To all the incredible individuals who have accompanied me on this exhilarating adventure, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Your unwavering support as readers means the world to me, and I sincerely hope that my book has captivated you just as much as it has enthralled me.

If you find yourself immersed in my work, I kindly request your participation by voting and sharing your thoughts on what aspects you find most enjoyable and areas that may require refinement. Your invaluable feedback will undoubtedly aid me in enhancing elements that may have eluded my attention.

Now, I pose a single query: Who, in your opinion, could be the enigmatic Stalker?

May you all remain safe, and may the blessings of the divine be bestowed upon each and every one of you until we meet again.

Warm regards,


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