Chapter 37: Shame

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Reese's POV

A wave of shame engulfed me, leaving me feeling utterly defeated. I found myself perched outside Avery's apartment complex, my gaze fixated on two delightful little girls frolicking on the playground just across the street. At that moment, the impending arrival of Avery's baby flooded my mind, stirring a pang of envy within me. Oh, how I yearned to be the one to call myself the father of that child.

"Whoa, what the hell?" I muttered, bewildered by the tumultuous emotions coursing through me. This was precisely why I had resorted to using Taylor in such a callous manner. These irrational notions of settling down had been wreaking havoc on my sanity ever since I savored the intoxicating sweetness of Avery's kisses.

Stepping into the building, I was immediately captivated by the exquisite artwork adorning every wall. The vibrant paintings were complemented by the presence of lively flowers, carefully arranged on each end table and nestled in the corners of the lobby. A delightful surprise awaited on the right, where a spacious play area catered to the little ones, complete with an array of toys and a large flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. On the left, a cozy lounge beckoned the older kids, featuring sleek laptop computers stationed on the built-in counters and a handful of arcade games.

However, amidst this enchanting atmosphere, one glaring flaw caught my attention - the security. How on earth could a single guard possibly oversee the safety of a place this expansive? It baffled me. To compound matters, the frail appearance of the guard only heightened my concerns. It seemed as though a mere glance in his direction could send him into a panic-induced faint. "While his friendly demeanor is commendable, my Avery needs someone capable of providing genuine protection," I pondered, as I continued my journey towards Avery's apartment.

As I approached Avery's apartment, an unsettling sensation crept over me. I tried my best to dismiss it, convincing myself that there was no reason to be concerned. After all, I had personally hired her bodyguards, so there was no way anything could have happened to her.

"Hey there, Matthew and August," I greeted them as I neared Avery's place. Deep down, I couldn't shake the unease of leaving her alone inside. But Avery, being as stubborn as ever, refused to allow any strangers into her home, even if they were there to protect her.

"Reese, I'll be just fine," she repeated, almost like a mantra, as she pushed me out the door. "Besides, I've got these two handsome and strong gentlemen right outside," she added, patting their chests with a mischievous smile. Watching her flirt with them, I couldn't help but question my decision to hire them. "Just make it back soon," she winked at me before closing the door.

"Mr. Choi, everything has been quiet so far," Matthew's voice snapped me back to reality.

I turned the key in the lock, feeling a surge of apprehension as I prepared myself to face the exuberant presence of Avery. Lately, she had been somewhat like her usual self, or at least as much as one could be in the midst of such circumstances.

"Avery..." I called out, my voice echoing through the empty house. "Avery!" I shouted again, making my way towards the kitchen where she typically spent her time. Glancing at my watch, I noticed it was already 9:30 p.m. A sense of unease washed over me once more. She should have been seated at the counter, indulging in her beloved tub of pistachio ice cream and a glass of orange juice, like clockwork. But she was nowhere to be found. Panic surged through my veins as I sprinted up the stairs.

"Avery, are you alright?" I yelled, my voice reverberating against the closed door of her bedroom. Silence greeted me, intensifying my anxiety. With trembling hands, I grasped the doorknob. "Avery, please, answer me!" I pleaded, desperation lacing my words. Still, there was only an eerie stillness, compelling me to swing open her door. Darkness enveloped my vision as I stepped into the room.

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