Chapter 25: Cornered

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Avery's POV:

"Why are you coming out of Reese's room, huh?" Emily questioned, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

"It's not what you think, Emily," I responded.

"I'm not thinking about anything except how you had Brendan and me worried sick while you're here, cozying up with Mr. Sexy himself for protection."

"No one forced you to jump on a plane, but I'm grateful you did. I love you guys," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"You better, considering all the craziness I endure dealing with your unpredictable self," Emily retorted, always needing to have the last word.

"Are you two done bickering? These damn bags are as heavy as hell. Emily, did you pack your entire house in here? You're about to break my back, and then what good would I be to Avery?" Brendan chimed in dramatically.

"Aww, Brendan, I'm sure you can handle it, considering how you juggle all those skank-ass women hopping in and out of your bed," Emily remarked, her tone laced with jealousy.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think something was going on between you two," I commented, observing their interactions.

"Are you out of your mind?" Emily and Brendan exclaimed simultaneously at me.

"I could never tolerate Brendan's player ways! I would have chopped his dick off and mailed it to him by now," I stated firmly.

"And I would have willingly checked myself into an insane asylum after enduring a day of your incessant loudmouth," Brendan fired back. I glanced between the two of them, sensing that there was something significant I was missing.

"What's all this commotion out here?" Reese interjected, his voice filled with annoyance.

All eyes fixated on a visibly irritated Reese. My mouth watered as I observed him, rubbing his eyes in frustration while lingering in the doorway. Emily and Brendan discreetly nudged me on either side, causing a hiss to escape my lips. In response, I shot Emily a narrowed gaze and stomped on Brendan's feet, prompting a flurry of curses.

Reese's voice snapped, breaking the tense silence, "How many times must I remind you not to loiter in the hallway? And why did you answer the door without waking me?"

Emily grumbled under her breath, "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

Brendan couldn't resist adding fuel to the fire, whispering just loud enough for Reese and me to hear, "Guess he didn't get any of Avery's cherry last night!" Leave it to Emily and Brendan to embarrass me beyond belief. I wished I could vanish into thin air.

Reese's expression turned to stone, his struggle to maintain composure evident. His fists clenched tightly, and his face flushed crimson. He squeezed his eyes shut and began tapping his foot furiously against the plush carpet.

"Emily and Brendan, let's go to my room," I said, pulling them both behind me, fearing that Reese's self-control was slipping away.

"If anything happens to her, I will hold you two responsible!" Reese called out to our retreating figures. "Did anyone hear me?" he snapped.

"Wait a minute mister, Who do you...." I hurriedly pulled Emily into the room before she could unleash her angry rant. With my back against the door, I felt trapped, caught between Emily and Brendan's questioning gazes.

"What?" I asked, trying to distance myself from them.

"Did you and Mr. Sexy have a little rendezvous last night?" Emily asked, her mind clearly in the gutter once again.

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